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Worst weather your city has experienced?


Horror Movie Guru
What's some of the worst weather you can remember that hit your town in recent years? Was it a tornado? Hurricane? Blizzard?

Maryland's had some hurricanes but never a direct hit. We had some nasty blizzards over the years as well, I can remember getting a storm with a foot of snow then 2 days later getting smacked with another storm that had over a foot of snow. Tornadoes are rare, and earthquakes only happen if VA or Jersey gets them.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
What's some of the worst weather you can remember that hit your town in recent years? Was it a tornado? Hurricane? Blizzard?

Maryland's had some hurricanes but never a direct hit. We had some nasty blizzards over the years as well, I can remember getting a storm with a foot of snow then 2 days later getting smacked with another storm that had over a foot of snow. Tornadoes are rare, and earthquakes only happen if VA or Jersey gets them.

That blizzard was something else. I ended up having to pull a patrol car out of a drift not long after I took these photos:


You can’t forget the torrential rain, either. They regularly see flooding in Annapolis, and I still remember seeing the aftermath of this like it was yesterday:



Roast Beef
GW Elder


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Me looking at those pics: "we call that a Tuesday"

That was treading through over 2ft of snow, with a lovely layer of ice in the middle from a slight thaw. Back then, our highway admin didn’t have the equipment it does now to treat the roads, and the bulk of the drivers here don’t need any excuse to drive any worse than they already do. Maryland is very hit or miss with snow, we’ve gone several years since then with no major accumulation. If Mother Nature catches our region slipping, it can get messy.
Singapore has probably the planet's dullest weather. No temperature change, no sunrise/sunset change, no typhoons (or much wind in general), no significant hot or cold waves. If you stood there in July and December the easiest way to tell the difference is to look for Christmas decorations.

That said, the UK honestly isn't as far behind as you'd think. There is obviously seasonal variance here but there's very little in the way of extreme weather. I'd say flooding is generally the biggest risk but even the big flood years like 2007 can't match that video.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Singapore has probably the planet's dullest weather. No temperature change, no sunrise/sunset change, no typhoons (or much wind in general), no significant hot or cold waves. If you stood there in July and December the easiest way to tell the difference is to look for Christmas decorations.

That said, the UK honestly isn't as far behind as you'd think. There is obviously seasonal variance here but there's very little in the way of extreme weather. I'd say flooding is generally the biggest risk but even the big flood years like 2007 can't match that video.

That flooding was also exacerbated by nearby urban development impeding on the natural flow or water. It simply wasn’t capable of handling the amount of water diverted to it by flood channels and other means.

That was the worst storm I ever personally experienced. Seeing all the downed trees after the fact in Euclid, Ohio will likely be forever ingrained in my mind.

I seem to miss all the really big storms or none of the ones I've experienced are as memorable. That storm in 93 has always been tops.

We had some tornadoes a couple years ago

In 1994 we had a huge snow storm

In September 2008 we had a weird wind storm that knocked out a lot of power. I was out of town in St Louis for my Bday weekend to see the Giants play, and my GF and I are driving back and start to see a bunch of branches down as we get closer to Louisville

Feb of 2009 had a bad ice storm, so bad the first time the university canceled classes due to weather in a long time


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
The worst IMO is ice storms. We've had a few over the last several years. We're already not equipped to deal with snow, and when it becomes ice, it's impossible to get anywhere.

During the last one, I watched a video of a woman standing with a hammer next to a car covered in snow. She said, "if you're wondering why we're all freaking out about a couple inches of snow," then she hit the snow on the car with the hammer, and it just went THUNK.

It wasn't a big deal for me personally, because I work from home and was stocked up on everything I needed, but it did suck to not be able to go anywhere for a week (it took sooo long to melt because it barely got above freezing during the day then would just freeze again at night). But it knocked out power for a lot of people for over a week, and many people had trees fall on their homes. Plus if you have any kind of emergency, you're basically fucked.

We also occasionally get floods, but I'm not personally in an area that is affected. We also get wind storms pretty frequently, which knocks down fences and tree limbs and whatnot, which often takes out power. It's not as bad because the roads are passable, so the outages get fixed promptly. They also usually happen in spring, so you won't freeze to death if you don't have power for a day. It's mostly just unnerving to have tree limbs fall so much. My neighbor used to have a tree that would drop branches with a diameter of 2-3 inches in my yard every wind storm, I hated it.

We occasionally get tornadoes, but they're short lived, and I've never heard of them causing any damage or injuries.

The real bad disaster could happen at any time: an earthquake. People joke about California falling into the ocean, but their infrastructure is built to withstand the earthquakes their fault can generate. The fault here generates stronger but less frequent earthquakes. An expert said when it happens, "everything west of I-5 will be toast". They estimate there's a 50% chance of it happening in my lifetime.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
The worst IMO is ice storms. We've had a few over the last several years. We're already not equipped to deal with snow, and when it becomes ice, it's impossible to get anywhere.

During the last one, I watched a video of a woman standing with a hammer next to a car covered in snow. She said, "if you're wondering why we're all freaking out about a couple inches of snow," then she hit the snow on the car with the hammer, and it just went THUNK.

It wasn't a big deal for me personally, because I work from home and was stocked up on everything I needed, but it did suck to not be able to go anywhere for a week (it took sooo long to melt because it barely got above freezing during the day then would just freeze again at night). But it knocked out power for a lot of people for over a week, and many people had trees fall on their homes. Plus if you have any kind of emergency, you're basically fucked.

We also occasionally get floods, but I'm not personally in an area that is affected. We also get wind storms pretty frequently, which knocks down fences and tree limbs and whatnot, which often takes out power. It's not as bad because the roads are passable, so the outages get fixed promptly. They also usually happen in spring, so you won't freeze to death if you don't have power for a day. It's mostly just unnerving to have tree limbs fall so much. My neighbor used to have a tree that would drop branches with a diameter of 2-3 inches in my yard every wind storm, I hated it.

We occasionally get tornadoes, but they're short lived, and I've never heard of them causing any damage or injuries.

The real bad disaster could happen at any time: an earthquake. People joke about California falling into the ocean, but their infrastructure is built to withstand the earthquakes their fault can generate. The fault here generates stronger but less frequent earthquakes. An expert said when it happens, "everything west of I-5 will be toast". They estimate there's a 50% chance of it happening in my lifetime.

I have yet to see a formidable solution to preparing for ice storms on top of everything else you’ve mentioned about them. Salt only works for so long. Ice doesn’t care about brine. The worst? People always forget about black ice.


2.5 raccoons in a trench coat
GW Elder
I had to work the weekend of the snowy SuperBowl here back in... 2011...? Saw the storm coming so I packed a bag and told my roommate I'll just crash at work (I worked at a hotel) if I couldn't come home. After a double shift, walking one of my co-workers to the pharmacy after midnight, and then an hour doing fire watch, I crashed in my suite on the couch. A couple hours later, the fire alarm started going off. I woke up, looked around and thought "I don't see any fire" and went right back to sleep lol My co-worker had to call and ask "did you hear the fire alarm?" "Yes...?" "There's no fire." "Yeah... I figured that. See you in a couple of hours."

In 2017, I was in Houston during hurricane Harvey. Right before, I stopped at the craft store so I could use the time I was going to be stuck at home knitting. I finished knitting before it stopped raining. It rained for 5 days straight! Luckily, we didn't lose power and our whole neighborhood was on really high inclines so as long as our cars weren't in the street, they were fine. When the weather calmed down, however, we were all still stuck because the water didn't recede fast enough... There was a day where a full ass motor boat just went down my street! By day 6, I was going stir crazy and so I put on snow boots** to try to traverse the flood.. I heard that the streets were clear outside our neighborhood and I had a hankering for mozzarella sticks... It was a no-go though. I did end up baking cookies from scratch and sharing them with my neighbors on my adventure.

Pictured: not my car

Last Tuesday, I set my alarm a little earlier than normal because Monday night me thought "I'm gonna log into work early and get some things done!" Tuesday morning me was like "I hate Monday night me" and hit snooze.. but then I was like "are those sirens outside...?" Yeah... they were tornado sirens. So after I went outside for a little while (because we're Texans, that's what we do), I gathered the cats, put us in our bathroom, and started texting people. My husband was at the gym at the time. He said "I'm watching my car get hailed on." By the time he finished his work out, everything had calmed down. Our power stayed on (it consistently does during bad weather) so my cousin crashed in our guest room for a few days and we also had another friend come and bring his foster kittens!

Pictured: mah fence!


Kitten tax:


**snow boots are not the same as rain boots


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
In 2017, I was in Houston during hurricane Harvey. Right before, I stopped at the craft store so I could use the time I was going to be stuck at home knitting. I finished knitting before it stopped raining. It rained for 5 days straight! Luckily, we didn't lose power and our whole neighborhood was on really high inclines so as long as our cars weren't in the street, they were fine. When the weather calmed down, however, we were all still stuck because the water didn't recede fast enough... There was a day where a full ass motor boat just went down my street! By day 6, I was going stir crazy and so I put on snow boots** to try to traverse the flood.. I heard that the streets were clear outside our neighborhood and I had a hankering for mozzarella sticks... It was a no-go though. I did end up baking cookies from scratch and sharing them with my neighbors on my adventure.
Great story!! I always, always live on high ground. It won't matter often, but when it does, it really matters.

Absolutely wild you saw a boat in the street! What a sight.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
the solution is to stay home and wait for it to melt.

Tell that to the banks that wanted confirmation of locations of people since “studies show that drivers tend to park closer to home during inclement weather” under the presumption that the repo man won’t show up in a storm. Half the time, if it snowed or was icy, we couldn’t pull cars, but we could at least confirm that the drivers were at specific addresses if they were giving us the runaround on clear days.


Senior Member
hurricane sandy was probably the worst hurricane i’ve ever experienced. we’re lucky we haven’t really had anything that bad since.
Are earthquakes weather? Probably not, but that'd be the worst thing I've been in. I had a ceiling cave in on me on the top storey of a building for the worst one I've been in.

Otherwise, it's probably flooding where I live, and that only impacts one area.

We have very high winds at most times - almost certainly the windiest city/capital in the world.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Are earthquakes weather? Probably not, but that'd be the worst thing I've been in. I had a ceiling cave in on me on the top storey of a building for the worst one I've been in.

Otherwise, it's probably flooding where I live, and that only impacts one area.

We have very high winds at most times - almost certainly the windiest city/capital in the world.

Nah, I’ll pass on the earthquakes, dude. Seeing those videos from Asia is enough for me. I don’t see why they wouldn’t count, it’s as natural of a disaster as wildfires, flooding, or heavy snowfall. Volcanic eruptions are another one I want no parts of… predicting those isn’t exact enough for me.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Earthquakes are my second biggest fear, and probably my biggest sensible fear. And I live on a fault line basically. Haha.

We had a real mild one that hit the Baltimore area several years ago, and I was outside mowing the lawn when it happened. I first noticed the blade strike the dirt unexpectedly, and then I looked up in time to watch the house shake until it was over. I couldn’t imagine being witness to something more severe that causes extensive structural damage and fatalities, even those little tremors are humbling when you’re only really accustomed to manmade disasters.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I forgot I didn't have a whole fence for my backyard.. walked into my kitchen to put away a dish topless🤦‍♀️
Meh, it's your home, and dudes get to run around topless in public. I'm sure all my neighbors have seen my titties, who cares. They don't have to look if they don't want to see. :tease
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