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Misc. Media Wonderful YouTube Videos


Absolutely mind blowing. It's 1 hour and 45 minutes, and WELL worth the watch. Not background stuff, active watch. It's really good. I had no idea Disney's influence over queuing.

I watched this a while back and LOVED it.

I'll try to grab some of my favorites to add to this thread as well. I have some long ones that I've watched that are good. But I'll see if I can get some good samples from my favorite channels.


Roast Beef
GW Elder

Absolutely mind blowing. It's 1 hour and 45 minutes, and WELL worth the watch. Not background stuff, active watch. It's really good. I had no idea Disney's influence over queuing.

Defunctland has some amazing stuff. Also loved the deep dive on the Disney channel jingle
This entire series is fascinating and I've loved it straight from the start:

Dude bought an abandoned building in Chicago to turn into a first floor shop and second+ floor living area. Crazy all the progress that's been made.

This is a short series about island biodiversity. I'm posting the first of 3 videos...it was really hard to pick one of this guy's...I've watched basically everything:


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I don’t know if these will count since they’re technically music, but you simply can’t be in a bad mood after listening to ANY of these songs.

And last but not least, the absolute LEGEND and only redeeming aspect of James Corden’s late night show… Reggie Watts.

I've watched a lot of Youtube, and I've found all sorts of fantastic videos. Big problem is my insistance to not "Like" videos unless they're truly special videos actually gets in the way of me actually liking vids so I end up having difficulty finding them when I need them. There's a song that I've been unable to find because I didn't "like" the music video.

Anyways, the very first non-meme type video that popped in my head was CGP Gray's Metric Paper video. He starts out explaining how a piece of A4 metric paper can be theoretically folded an infinite number of times and maintain the same exact shape as the original piece. But then he goes on to use a fold of metric paper to display how small something is and then goes in the opposite direction by unfolding a theoretical piece of paper to display how large something is. It is used to show just how gigantic we are and how tiny and insignificant we are.

Also, I have more stuff can post, but I imagine my definition of "wonderful" deviates from others. I have things like weird vids, to some music vids, to montages, and Supercuts... or just videos that went viral that I'm sure some of you have seen, like this one:

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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder

The South Park 25th Anniversary Concert!

Seeing Trey and Matt on stage with Primus and Ween doing a bunch of classic South Park songs struck a chord with my good feelings! Plus a kick ass surprise song from Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson!

Yes! We have it on our home playlist, which is just thousands of songs on shuffle. Ain’t nothing like going from a completely “normal” song to America or Boogers and Cum.
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