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We haven't brought back any of our e-fedders yet?


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Shame, was hoping they could have a spot to relive the GW e-fed days, or just talk about the fun they had as a community. Hopefully we'll get one or two to stop by :)
One of my earliest experiences with the e-feds was an HBR. Back then Dimitri was called Scorpius and like, 650lbs, and I remember arguing with ATCO that he shouldn't be able to get powerbombed, and he countered that someone that weight shouldn't be alive. Understandable, really.

I always loved how much they just escalated into some of the craziest shit. If there were actually consequences and injuries, we'd've had to make new characters after every one.
One of my earliest experiences with the e-feds was an HBR. Back then Dimitri was called Scorpius and like, 650lbs, and I remember arguing with ATCO that he shouldn't be able to get powerbombed, and he countered that someone that weight shouldn't be alive. Understandable, really.

I always loved how much they just escalated into some of the craziest shit. If there were actually consequences and injuries, we'd've had to make new characters after every one.

So, in the later years of HBRs, I made a huge Japanese wrestler named Godzilla that was literally for the same reasons (maxed out height and weight so my attacks would be more powerful, at least in my mind, and it would be more annoying if anything for people to roleplay against him).

I remember beating Bruce Bishop (@Ice Cold ) in one of the last prolific HBRs, and I think I changed his name to Kaimutsu after. Pretty sure Nel Matrix suggested it or at least gave input. Whenever I see Komatsu equipment, I think of that stupid character lol but man, I really enjoyed those hardcore battle royals, despite (or maybe because of) how crazy unrealistic everything was in them.
E-fedding is the reason that I was able to get good grades in anything that involved writing at school. Couldn’t get away with misspelling or grammar errors back then.

Same. My lab reports were spotless. Well, mostly.

Writing e-fed results is why I'm able to type around 120 words per minute and still maintain decent grammar and spelling. It's helped when writing long policies for the bank.
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