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Trump using Jeffrey Epstein's Plane


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I don't get the big deal over this. It's obviously not Epstein's plane anymore, so it's not like he borrowed it from his buddy.

I agree, but despite every other example he has given people, we’re still at the stage of the election where every little detail is going to be dissected.

Probably a good move to not associate yourself more with the guy who you said you've never been associated with despite being in his book multiple times.

It's all an optics thing.

If he were smart, he’d channel the optics in his favor by talking about the YUGE deal he got buying the plane of a (different) convicted scumbag to better allocate funds, but, here we are.
Probably a good move to not associate yourself more with the guy who you said you've never been associated with despite being in his book multiple times.

It's all an optics thing.
It's also bringing out more tone deafness from the Trump campaign because right after this story came out, JD Vance made a comparison between Harris and Epstein. Something along the lines of giving Harris control of the economy is equivalent to giving Epstein control of human trafficking laws.

I don't have the exact quote but it was pretty awful.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
It's also bringing out more tone deafness from the Trump campaign because right after this story came out, JD Vance made a comparison between Harris and Epstein. Something along the lines of giving Harris control of the economy is equivalent to giving Epstein control of human trafficking laws.

I don't have the exact quote but it was pretty awful.

This election is reminding me more and more of 90’s Jerry Springer. Shock for the sake of shock. We don’t need shock value, the last decade has had enough of that. If politicians really wanted to impress us, maybe they’d buckle down and figure some shit out for once.
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Reactions: Jon
I don't get the big deal over this. It's obviously not Epstein's plane anymore, so it's not like he borrowed it from his buddy.
Is anyone making a big deal of it? I haven't seen that but I don't look around much on the internet these days.

I don't think it's indicative of anything sinister, just a stupid thing for him to do because of how it will look and the assumptions people might make.
It's a relatable thing about him. I would totally want to ride on a plane I'm familiar with.
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