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U.S.A. Trump rejects second Harris debate


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
So, what are the odds looking like that he’ll get pressured into another one?

If not, do y’all think it’s gonna place a stronger emphasis on a VP debate?
She's already baited him along in the debate. She should press that button along the campaign trail too.

Express how handedly she won and now Trump is running scared. And if he claims he won, then why should he be worrying about facing her again? Say things like he's ducking her and his ego is as small as his.... Stormy Daniels.

"Donald says he won the debate... but he talked about eating dogs and cats. The man is old and frail and doesn't know where he is half the time. And those rallies? I mean have you seen the size of his rallies? The crowd in the courtroom for his 34 felony convictions was bigger. And while people may fall asleep at his rallies, only one persona was asleep in the court."

This shit writes itself really.

Man, she could EASILY bait him. And if not into another debate (because I don't think that matters in the end), then into continuing his racist and misogynistic verbiage to continue alienating the middle. It's a win-win.

Also, once JD Vance gets his ass handed to him in the VP debate, there will be calls to try and salvage the campaign with another debate. But internally, they want to keep him the fuck away from another microphone when Harris is near.
He still claims he won the last election. Claiming he won the debate is expected of him at this point.
It is. But questioning him and calling it out (like criticizing his rally sizes) are tried and true ways to make him go off his rocker. Hence her saying his rallies suck led to him talking about immigrants eating your dogs.

At this point? Can't hurt to keep the pressure on the insane.
It is at times like this that you are reminded that Trump isn't a skilled politician in any way, shape or form. He's just a demagogue who has tapped into a particularly rich vein of populism. Admittedly that has taken a degree of organisation and ability from those around him, but he is fundamentally one dimensional, both on a personal and political level.

Kamala Harris, by contrast, has shown more political skill and judgement in the past couple of months than I had expected from what I had seen of her in recent years. She is far from a perfect candidate. Few politicians are. But politics is a skill, and her tactics in the debate were absolutely spot on and deflected from her own weaknesses whilst exploiting Trump's. It was pretty clever stuff. In the moment he no doubt thought he was responding in a perfectly persuasive manner, but he absolutely wasn't, and I don't think there's any real prospect of him performing better in a second debate because he simply isn't going to listen to those around him to the extent that he can compensate for his very real personality flaws.

What has happened since just writes itself. Of course he's going to decline a second debate. Of course she's going to ask for one, and say that the people deserve one. He is cutting his losses and she uses that to take the high ground. I don't see how he could really do anything else. Well, he could not spread the whole story about people eating dogs, but let's not expect too much of him.

There is, of course, still a long way to go. Politics is a fickle game and a lot can happen between now and November. This is also a far more finely balanced election than it has any right to be, even at this stage. But for now, Harris is doing well and is the slight favourite.
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