The Flu

Who all has been hit by it?

We've all gotten it in my house. I took Monday off, thought I could make it today and Monday was pretty good, but probably over did it. Maybe faculty-student dodge ball game, then the gym and then sauna weren't the best ideas....I didnt push myself too hard, but once I was driving home from the gym it hit hard

My son has been sick since Sunday, it's hit his school hard. Some people being out 3-5 days. He will be out again tomorrow.

I've had a lot of students out, we had about 15% of teachers out Monday. Ive heard of one school doing NTI because so many were out

It's been rough to say the least. IT hasnt been awful for me, but my son has had body aches. Wife is starting to show symptoms now....ugh

I really want to go tomorrow as it would be easier to go tomorrow and take Thursday off, but we'll see how I feel in the morning


The Ritualist
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Umm.... I might've had one sometime back in November or early December, but nothing since. It does help that most folks in the house currently don't go anywhere. And those who do are around only so many other people.


The Ritualist
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Take it no children in the house? That certainly helps
Both are homeschooled. Though the older one is now at work, but the crew his part of is smaller.

Weeeellllll, my nephew is over here basically every weekend. He's in a larger public school so if we were going to get sick it would most likely be through him. Now that I think about that, I guess we've just been lucky this season so far.


GW Elder
Wolf Players
Kind of a tangent, but when you say "the flu", do you mean influenza or just some kind of respiratory illness? I haven't had the actual flu since I was a kid, but there's plenty of other respiratory stuff that I regularly pick up. Luckily I've avoided it this winter so far, even though our flu rates here are crazy high.

Also please don't go to work or anywhere else around people if you're sick, even if you feel like you can handle it. Especially if it's really the flu, because that kills quite a few people every year.
Kind of a tangent, but when you say "the flu", do you mean influenza or just some kind of respiratory illness? I haven't had the actual flu since I was a kid, but there's plenty of other respiratory stuff that I regularly pick up. Luckily I've avoided it this winter so far, even though our flu rates here are crazy high.

Also please don't go to work or anywhere else around people if you're sick, even if you feel like you can handle it. Especially if it's really the flu, because that kills quite a few people every year.

Actual flu, my son and a lot of people around here have tested positive for Flu A

He has also picked up strep....but I think we caught it early?
Whatever it was, it seemed to rip through every family here around Christmas and into the New Year. My in laws came over from Holland and were clearly pretty ill despite trying to carry on as normal. To no one's surprise, we all got symptoms in the days after they left, and my sister in law and her family (who came over too but live in a different city to my parents in law) all got it too. It completely floored me for a couple of days, but I did get back to normal pretty quickly after that.
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