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The Ritualist
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder




Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Lol, I'd do that as a prank but not to be controlling :p

Naturally, I don’t condone that kinda nonsense in relationships anyway. I strongly encourage shits and giggles, though. You don’t truly know your partner until you relentlessly torment them with pranks and jokes.


New Member
GW Elder
I for one welcome the end of social media sites... I don't think it will happen any time soon but meh. Long live forums! Though seriously I don't get why Elon thinks this is a great idea.


The Ritualist
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I didn't check my sources on this, but supposedly Elon doesn't want to pay his Google Cloud bill of around 1 billion dollars. This rate limit nonsense doesn't seem too out there if that's true.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
He's successful because he was born rich. That's literally all it is. Obligatory:

View attachment 338

The only credit I will ever give him is that he makes ballsy investments. They say “fortune favors the brave” and all that nonsense… spending $40b on a social network that’s on the verge of a civil war isn’t “brave”… it’s ballsy because it’s arrogant, the cockiness you have to have to think YOU can flip things on that scale at that price point? Crazy. Regardless of how he got that rich, you gotta give credit to him for risking it when most people would just sit comfortably and let the peasants fight amongst themselves.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
The only credit I will ever give him is that he makes ballsy investments. They say “fortune favors the brave” and all that nonsense… spending $40b on a social network that’s on the verge of a civil war isn’t “brave”… it’s ballsy because it’s arrogant, the cockiness you have to have to think YOU can flip things on that scale at that price point? Crazy. Regardless of how he got that rich, you gotta give credit to him for risking it when most people would just sit comfortably and let the peasants fight amongst themselves.
LOL. He didn't even want to buy it and tried to get out of it, but he was legally forced to because all his shit talk had financially messed with the company so much. Don't give him any credit, he's just a rich idiot who isn't even smart enough to know when to shut his mouth.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
LOL. He didn't even want to buy it and tried to get out of it, but he was legally forced to because all his shit talk had financially messed with the company so much. Don't give him any credit, he's just a rich idiot who isn't even smart enough to know when to shut his mouth.
He tried to get out of it when he realized what came with it, I recall that. I’m referring to the simple fact that he even thought it was tangible to begin with. Call it reckless, even. By no means am I complimenting him, I’m just giving credit for having the audacity to take risks… even if he tries backtracking. There are plenty of billionaires out there, and I can’t think of a reason to like any of them. Most of them though… they sit on their money, or make “safe” investments. He goes at it like a madman, and it’s amusing at the very least.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
He tried to get out of it when he realized what came with it, I recall that. I’m referring to the simple fact that he even thought it was tangible to begin with. Call it reckless, even. By no means am I complimenting him, I’m just giving credit for having the audacity to take risks… even if he tries backtracking. There are plenty of billionaires out there, and I can’t think of a reason to like any of them. Most of them though… they sit on their money, or make “safe” investments. He goes at it like a madman, and it’s amusing at the very least.
I'm unconvinced he ever intended to go through with it, but I'll concede the point if he actually goes through with his offer to fight Mark Zuckerberg. Then you'll be completely correct, he takes ballsy risks with amusing results.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I'm unconvinced he ever intended to go through with it, but I'll concede the point if he actually goes through with his offer to fight Mark Zuckerberg. Then you'll be completely correct, he takes ballsy risks with amusing results.
I would LOVE to see those two fools go at it, especially with all their boutique and bespoke martial arts training they have at their disposal.
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He tried to get out of it when he realized what came with it, I recall that. I’m referring to the simple fact that he even thought it was tangible to begin with. Call it reckless, even. By no means am I complimenting him, I’m just giving credit for having the audacity to take risks… even if he tries backtracking. There are plenty of billionaires out there, and I can’t think of a reason to like any of them. Most of them though… they sit on their money, or make “safe” investments. He goes at it like a madman, and it’s amusing at the very least.
Nah the initial offer was just a pump and dump scheme. He already owned a decent amount of twitter stock (~9%) before he offered to buy it. Figured he would offer to buy it, the stock would shoot up, then he sells his shares, backs out of the purchase, and makes a tidy profit in the process. He didn’t plan on being literally forced into completing the purchase.
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Nah the initial offer was just a pump and dump scheme. He already owned a decent amount of twitter stock (~9%) before he offered to buy it. Figured he would offer to buy it, the stock would shoot up, then he sells his shares, backs out of the purchase, and makes a tidy profit in the process. He didn’t plan on being literally forced into completing the purchase.
Gotcha, that makes sense. The last I had heard was that he was disputing the valuation of the company or some shit because of bot and inactive accounts. I admit, I don’t follow those kinda events regularly, so I miss out on a lot of details.


Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Gotcha, that makes sense. The last I had heard was that he was disputing the valuation of the company or some shit because of bot and inactive accounts. I admit, I don’t follow those kinda events regularly, so I miss out on a lot of details.
That's probably for the best. I know more about him than I should, I genuinely wish the world would give him less attention, but his antics are an endlessly hilarious train wreck that's difficult to turn away from. I so, so, so hope he fights Zuck. I feel like they both owe that to the world.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
That's probably for the best. I know more about him than I should, I genuinely wish the world would give him less attention, but his antics are an endlessly hilarious train wreck that's difficult to turn away from. I so, so, so hope he fights Zuck. I feel like they both owe that to the world.

I try to stay in my lane when it comes to that kinda shit. I have plenty of opinions about what I see snapshots and bullet points of, but I simply refuse to invest the energy into uncovering every little detail about it. Half of the problem with those kinda people is that other people pay attention to them. It feeds the monster.


Resident of the GWF Retirement Home
GW Elder
The only thing I'll give him credit for is his pump & dump of Dogecoin. Anyone who knew anything knew Dogecoin was worthless, is worthless, is always going to be worthless. It has no cap. It was created as a joke, and the dogecoin community had imploded after the departure of the creator, the shutdown of the reddit dogetipbot, and the arrest of Alex Green. It was fun while it lasted but it was never designed to last.

I held onto the doge I had mined back then, mostly for giggles. Sold when it hit 5 cents (before the meteoric rise to 25 cents) and came out with $2,000 so probably one of the few people to actually make money on the joke coin. Could have been $15,000 at the peak but I didn't want to be left holding the bag when the joke was up. Uncle Sam wanted enough as it is when I filed taxes the next year. >_>
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