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Mobile Pokémon GOing Outside

i was big into pkgo when it first came out and played pretty regularly for the first year, then off and on the couple years after that, then i fell off entirely right before the pandemmy hit. i recently dusted off my old account because i have a couple of irl friends who recently started playing again, and i'll take any excuse i can to get outside and go on more walks!

let's be friends so i can send you gifts from the arboretum i live next to! my trainer code is 3683 3773 9486

let's pokémon go to the polls and then pokémon go pokémon home so we can pokémon sleep


Full-time time waster
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
If I still played, I'd take your offer. My interest for the game lasted for quite a while and many of the events with higher shiny chances were fun, but... alas, it wasn't meant to last for me. I'm not even sure if I have the app installed anymore. I think it was the constant juggling trying to get coins and either use the fervently on incubators until your ran out of inventory space or Pokémon space. Oh well.


New Member
GW Elder
I still play the game and at least try to catch a Pokemon every day lol. I don't really go out and visit stops that much anymore though. I send gifts too. I'm at level 40 and it's going to take me a long time to make it to the next level. Here's my friend code if you all want to add me:
9298 2823 6722


New Member
GW Elder
I played this with a buddy when it first came out - we had nothing better to do in our spare time, so we just walked (and drove) everywhere trying to capture all the different types. It's important to note here that I know virtually fuck-all about Pokemon. I got the Red game along with the OG Gameboy for Christmas as a kid, and I did not care for it.

Flash cut to today - I still game pretty frequently (read: "every day"), but being in a relationship has made that somewhat challenging. Until I found out that she played the SHIT out of Pokemon GO. She has probably every single one released before 2022, and I figured - we do Pokemon GO together, maybe she gets into some other games and we can play them together? Or...at the very least...she takes less issue with my solo gaming. I know, I dream big.

ANYWHO...this game has changed A LOT from when I played. We stopped back then because Mr. Mime was only capturable in Europe, or something - and then he moved to Minnesota. Now, there's 'Research' Quests, rotating Pokemon spawns, 'remote battles' or something...it's all way over my head. BUT...if I'm going to play something, I need to be in the mindset of doing well at it, or I'll lose interest quick-fast.

So - I'm definitely down to send gifts and make friends and all that jazz - but I also have some questions from any of the more knowledgeable pGO players out there - I was going to make a thread, but then saw this one...mods can certainly move these out if this is not the right place:

1. How do I know which ones to spend time/resources on? It looks like I need to be doing some battling if I want some of the more gangster pokemans. But all my toons are squish AF, and I honestly don't know one from the other in terms of putting a team together. I know each 'type' is weak against other types or strong against other types...but just looking at my collection (even with the appraisal feature), I have no clue which ones to sink Stardust into.
2. Regions are officially over my head. Sooooo - first thing I did (naturally) was look up "best Pokemon in Pokemon GO", and then started trying to figure out how to get them. Obviously MewTew is off the table. Garchomp, however, looks right up my alley - so I looked up how to get a Gible. Internet assumes I'm some kind of Pokemon savant, or something - and starts telling me I need to go to the Sinnoh region, or to check the Cliffs in some other region. And...while I get that these creatures are probably from there, canonically - I'm in fukken TEXAS. So, I asked my GF - and she said that the regions rotate. That...ok. So, then I looked up how to tell which region is currently in my IRL region of the IRL world. That further confused me. Best I could do, with Google's help...is pull up a medal that has a map with icons saying things like "ocean" and "snow". SO - does anyone know what it is I'm supposed to do to catch one of these shits? How do I find my region? How do I know when my region changes?
3. Why is it always nighttime, now?? In-game, it's nighttime 24/7. Is that true for everyone?

I have more questions, but those are the main ones. Anyway - if anyone wants to be my friend - 5307 8361 7061 & Prepare yourself for random gifts


Sad, lumpy oatmeal that used to be Xellos
GW Elder
1. You can view their stats by appraising them. Your "team leader" will give you an overview of them, based on a scale of 15 points for each of the 3 stats shown. I haven't played in ages, but there is a "meta" of what everyone powers up, ie, Garchomp, Mewtwo, Slaking, Gyarados, etc. Mewtwo will come around as a raid again.

2. It's all pretty random. "Nests" rotate just about weekly, but there really isn't much rhyme or reason where any of them spawn, aside from fish and other water types generally popping up in bodies of water. I legit probably have like 80 Gible I could "trade" you, but we'd have to be close by (or you use my account on a different device) Note: it has to be labeled some form of body of water on OpenStreetMaps™

3. Haven't opened the game lately, but it should correlate with actual day/night cycles


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Orangekat, not Aphrodite
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
How do I know which ones to spend time/resources on?
The answer is an external app. I personally used Calcy but there are a few others out there. It'll tell you which Pokemon are the best out of all that exist and which are the best out of the ones you currently have. It also gives you info like what the DPS will be with different moves or if you power it up or depending on the weather. It's been a while since I used it, but I think you can have it scan all your Pokemon and it'll make suggestions for how to build a team for whatever you're trying to fight.

I only quit playing PoGo because of the pandemic, and now I have nobody to play with and it's so much more fun as a social game. I wish I could find some people in my area to play with again.


New Member
GW Elder
The answer is an external app. I personally used Calcy but there are a few others out there. It'll tell you which Pokemon are the best out of all that exist and which are the best out of the ones you currently have. It also gives you info like what the DPS will be with different moves or if you power it up or depending on the weather. It's been a while since I used it, but I think you can have it scan all your Pokemon and it'll make suggestions for how to build a team for whatever you're trying to fight.

I only quit playing PoGo because of the pandemic, and now I have nobody to play with and it's so much more fun as a social game. I wish I could find some people in my area to play with again.

Oh, thank you! Downloaded Calcy IV and Poke Genie, and I'm gonna give them a go. Calcy seems like the obvious first choice, because of the auto-scan feature. But...there's still a slight issue with me being an idiot and not knowing what I'm looking at. Basically, just looking at 80-90% on the left, and A/A for atk/def on the right, and hoping that's the ticket :dunce

Also - not sure where you're at, but we're in NTX, and I foresee a lot of Pokemon going in our future. I also see a lot of other people doing it, so - you might run into groups of fellow players!

1. You can view their stats by appraising them. Your "team leader" will give you an overview of them, based on a scale of 15 points for each of the 3 stats shown. I haven't played in ages, but there is a "meta" of what everyone powers up, ie, Garchomp, Mewtwo, Slaking, Gyarados, etc. Mewtwo will come around as a raid again.

2. It's all pretty random. "Nests" rotate just about weekly, but there really isn't much rhyme or reason where any of them spawn, aside from fish and other water types generally popping up in bodies of water. I legit probably have like 80 Gible I could "trade" you, but we'd have to be close by (or you use my account on a different device) Note: it has to be labeled some form of body of water on OpenStreetMaps™

3. Haven't opened the game lately, but it should correlate with actual day/night cycles

Yeah, I did the Appraisals. Which definitely helped me determine which ones to Transfer and which ones to keep. But of all the 'Keeps', I'm just not sure which I should focus on Powering Up/Evolving for battling, so I can get the gooder ones.

Is there some place in-game that tells you where the Sinnoh region is, at the moment? Or what region I'm currently in?

And today, finally, I got day-time view in-game! Not sure what the deal was with that, but it might be fixed now! :party2


Sad, lumpy oatmeal that used to be Xellos
GW Elder
Oh, thank you! Downloaded Calcy IV and Poke Genie, and I'm gonna give them a go. Calcy seems like the obvious first choice, because of the auto-scan feature. But...there's still a slight issue with me being an idiot and not knowing what I'm looking at. Basically, just looking at 80-90% on the left, and A/A for atk/def on the right, and hoping that's the ticket :dunce

Also - not sure where you're at, but we're in NTX, and I foresee a lot of Pokemon going in our future. I also see a lot of other people doing it, so - you might run into groups of fellow players!

Yeah, I did the Appraisals. Which definitely helped me determine which ones to Transfer and which ones to keep. But of all the 'Keeps', I'm just not sure which I should focus on Powering Up/Evolving for battling, so I can get the gooder ones.

Is there some place in-game that tells you where the Sinnoh region is, at the moment? Or what region I'm currently in?

And today, finally, I got day-time view in-game! Not sure what the deal was with that, but it might be fixed now! :party2
The "sinnoh region" in the game won't exist. Look for windy weather specifically for Gible. Dragons spawn a lot then


Full-time time waster
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I friended everyone who posted a code in this thread. Username is Lunakki. I'll send you daily gifts from Thailand for the next few weeks if you accept.

Here's my code if anyone else wants it.
I had noticed this! Though I missed the first one as I was on autopilot and just accepted it. Never thought I'd be able to get the monsoon vivilion. Yay!
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