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Multi Pain. Nothing but Pain. (Dragon Age Thread)


No Problem Here
GW Elder

At a certain point in time, this was in my top three series. Y'all. Y'all. I have been waiting TEN YEARS. Before I had my second kid. Before I had my first kid. Before I got married. Look at this shit.

They renamed the title from Dreadwolf to Veilguard. If it wasn't for Varric I'd have no clue this was even a Dragon Age trailer. The art looks like Fortnite shit or even a good mobile game. The whole thing is a character introduction (we can't even get a good look at most of the characters!) like some Overwatch shit.

Who is the villain? Who is the threat? What's the hook? Dunno.

The Dragon Age subreddit is in shambles right now. Some are in denial, saying they sometimes have a different "look" for a trailer.

This game is SUPPOSEDLY taking place in Tevinter! Tevinter, the continent with its main feature being "this is the slave trade continent." Meanwhile, we've got Avengers or Guardians of the Galaxy-level quips. This is a dark fantasy genre right??

Also lol at the music?????

Y'all. Duncan died for this shit. I'm sorry, Duncan. Solas was right. Going from Baldur's Gate 3 to this is almost a crime.

(this goes without saying but all the original writers are gone)


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
That looks... Horrid.

Dragon Age: Origins was tight. I loved that shit. I never got around to II or Inquisition, but Origins was definitely one of the better games of the ~2010 era.

I wanted to blame it on EA, in the same way they ruined so many other great franchises like Star Wars: Battlefront, but... It looks like they've always been the publisher.

I think what's more likely is Bioware as a company has gone to shit. They used to put out so many amazing titles like Neverwinter Nights and Knights of the Old Republic, but once they got pulled into the big money world they just shit the bed on quality. Truly a shame.


Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
GW Elder
Apparently GameInformer has a couple of leaked screenshots from the upcoming issue floating around, and the actual game doesn't look like this?

Doesn't speak to the tone and feel at all, of course, but maybe there's some small amount of hope that this trailer was outsourced and more meant for the phase of the game back when it was a Live Service clusterfuck?

Guess we'll find out tomorrow. 👀


No Problem Here
GW Elder
yes at this point I'm pretty much waiting for Tuesday. No matter what though, this trailer was not thought through. We've been waiting for years. We want to know the hook first and we want to know the game is still going to be okay even with the rocky development. Just a completely bone-headed decision and therefore I have less confidence in the rest. But we'll see.

Here's an example of what I am talking about: why does Varric have a beard? His entire character is that he's a surface dweller, he rejects dwarven culture and he's always been clean shaven because of that. Not saying he can't ever grow a beard, just concerned they are not handling this the way previous writers set things up.

Also wondering about which romance option I will go with. I've always been able to find somebody. Now, there's gonna be advisor romances, so not everybody shown here. But as a personal preference I never romance women. It looks like there's three options on the men side and I can't say much about them now. (I preference PC romances to advisors, you can go out in the field with them, etc). Obviously Varric will not be a romance option (unless they fuck that up). One of the guys looks old (sorry) so thinking probably not him.

I want to think they learn some sort of lesson for outsourcing the trailer, or using clips back when it had a different plan, but...yeah right...
I mean, for me DA has been on the decline since the first. Origins is peak DA, II was good but not great, and candidly I don't remember shit about Inquisition even though I came close to getting Platinum on it apparently.

Dreadwolf as a title sounded better too.

I never played 2 because I have heard mixed things about it, but I did like DA:I, it has its problems, but really liked the characters and world


No Problem Here
GW Elder
okay. My brief reaction:

Feeling more mixed now. I guess I wish I could learn more, still.

  • It's neat that Rook is black by default
  • Solas didn't sound like Solas but I can't imagine he has a different voice actor so I'm not sure what's up with that (Varric sounds like Varric--is this just me?) maybe this will continue to be smoothed out later?
  • Art direction is still meh. I don't hate it as much but it doesn't look too upgraded. Having trouble putting my finger on it, what exactly bothers me. A tad too cartoony still.
  • Music is a lot better
  • Want to see what is new--any new mechanics?
  • Seems as though you can choose between six factions...and perhaps which faction you choose is the companion you start with?
  • Still trying to figure out what the hook is. With DAI we knew we'd be healing openings in the rift. What are we doing long term? Is it something with the Evanuris?
  • Solas was holding back somewhat...I think they are going to play up something about that
  • Didn't see anything about tactical mode...kind of surprised...or character switching
  • Conflicted about the weird spotlight etc...too sci-fi in tone...but maybe this is Tevinter
Gameplay trailer was better. Less Fortnite/Marvel quippy/quirkiness. Still too cartoony, but it's pretty to look at.

The official twitter account says you will be able to command actions from the companions but I doubt you can directly control them. They would have explicitly said that in response to everyone asking/ranting.

Call me naive, but I feel better about it seeing the gameplay. Even though it's still so far from a typical RPG, it gave me 3rd person action game vibes (even with the trope-y sliding down a hill!) and I have preferred games like that more recently than in-depth thinking combat.
i have very mixed feelings about this. on the one hand i have very fond memories of the dragon age series. but on the other hand im not liking this trend of rpgs becoming more like action games. i much prefer the more laid back strategic approaches over the high octane action elements. not being able to control your companions is a massive letdown.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
aight new video just dropped

I recognized Morrigan's voice right away. Why they didn't show something like this FIRST I'll never know.

Halloween release date.

Trying to figure out which path I'll start with. Leaning towards Grey Warden but who knows.

Feeling slightly less worried but this also wouldn't be the first time the trailer showed all the best stuff

More info

Via Shinobi602 on Twitter

▪️You can pause during cutscenes
▪️You can choose your undergarments in the character creator, toggle nudity ON/OFF
▪️You can refund all your skill points to respect into other specializations if you want
▪️Full list of accessibility features coming in the future before launch
▪️There are a lot of 'faction items' (gear tied to factions) that become available as you help other factions get stronger, like armor from the Veil Jumpers faction that looks like it was made by Veil Jumpers and may be connected (like having electric damage)
▪️Full transmog system: any piece of gear you find unlocks the appearance for that gear, and some can be cosmetic only (ex: you can dress up to look like a training dummy)
▪️You can also transmog both armor and casual wear, so if you want to walk around the Lighthouse in full armor.
▪️You can save a character you create in the creator so you don't have to start from scratch every time, though it is local to your console/PC as Veilguard is an offline game
▪️Lots of praise for the hair tech, there are some "incredible" beards in the character creator, like grander Dwarven style beards (braids, beads, etc)
▪️You can hide things like combat damage numbers, minimap, wayfinder markers, health bar, incoming attack indicators, and more
▪️All helmets can be worn by all races with one exception: Qunari face paint (there are many variants)
▪️Each armor piece has standard colors, but most of them have a variety of color variant cosmetics (often aligned with the different factions)
▪️Your in-game surname is based on your faction background choice and gets mentioned in dialogue a decent amount

▪️Critical story missions are more linear so they can be highly handcrafted
▪️There are several large explorable open areas like Arlathan Forest, The Hossberg Wetlands, Crossroads, etc)
▪️Each companion has unique abilities outside of combat that can help you during exploration, puzzles, etc

▪️Taash (the female Qunari) is the youngest (early 20s),
▪️Emmerich (gray haired mage) is the oldest in his early 50s
▪️Davrin (Grey Warden companion) is stern, thoughtful and considerate but also has a soft side. He has a strong sense of pride and maybe a rivalry with certain other companions. He is also a dedicated and gifted monster hunter
▪️There are no romanceable NPCs outside of the companions as the team wanted romance to focus on them
▪️Teased that companions are having more strange abilities may have something to do with the Veil being in bad shape and more magic coming back to the world through the tears
▪️There are many organic relationships between companions that develop throughout the game, for example: Neve and Bellara form a sisterly bond, which Taash and Emmerich have great banter and don't see eye to eye on necromancy at all
▪️There's no 'hug companion' button, but there are instances where you can hug companions
▪️Gifts return, you can find items out in the world in specific locations that you can buy and very personal to companions. These gifts will also be reflected in each of their rooms
▪️All companions have a personal arc and their quests are varied
▪️Some quests can expire based on choices you make or plot progression, but generally the team doesn't want you to miss out on stuff (ex: companions can show up in the world and spontaneously lead to adventures with them)
▪️Companion relationships with each other will develop throughout the game, like when you commit to someone romantically. There are various friendships and rivalries
▪️All the companions have favorite foods, some on the team have varied skills in cooking. Bellara and Lucanis are practically the team cooks, and this comes up in the game
▪️Companions feel like a 'found family', become invested in each other which shows up in many scenes, banter, hub interactions, etc. The team didn't want the game to feel like a theme park just for the player but for companions to feel like their own person and living in the world

▪️Combos: Mages apply weakened/overwhelmed debuffs ("primers"), and also detonate the 'sunder' debuff. Rogues apply weakened/sunder and detonate 'overwhelmed'. Warriors apply 'sundered/overwhelmed' and detonate 'weakened'. This rock-paper-scissors style relationship can be one of the benefits of having one of each class. Gear/skills/runes can also break this paradigm, lots of flexibility
▪️Each class has two weapon slots and you can switch between them even mid-attack. For example mages can use a staff or orb+dagger. You can attack with the staff then switch mid-attack to orb+dagger
▪️You can also use that to your advantage with elementals, for example a fire attack then quickly switching to a necrotic orb+dagger for extra damage
▪️Bringing a 'tank' into battle isn't required, even on harder difficulties. The team realized players get attached to companions and always want to bring them along every time, so they built and designed gameplay to accommodate a variety of builds and playstyles
▪️Mage class can learn abilities from all elements, not tied to any specialization (though specializations like Evoker can make it easier to get into ice spells for example)
▪️Elemental effects were a large focus while developing the game, so that meant all classes needed to be visually represented so no one felt left out (ex: rogues and warriors can seem a little more magical). Warriors were one of the least favorite classes so the team wanted them to be more visually interesting and impactful (you can make a build that's more physical-based/not as flashy if you want to)


▪️There are other griffons that show up in the game besides Assan
▪️There are many incentives for multiple playthroughs, including the three classes playing very differently, as well as choices you make affecting different outcomes, content you may or may not see based on those choices, etc
▪️The game doesn't require you to have read outside lore like books, comics, etc, though these enhance the experience
▪️Your faction choice will open up unique dialogue options with certain companions
▪️Your relationship and dialogue with Solas can be more friendly or more antagonistic. Companion relationships sometimes cross over with Solas (Bellara and Davrin for example have deeper thoughts on Solas)
▪️Returning characters are brought back with purpose. Morrigan for example is coming to terms with reflections about herself and her mother, accepting who she is, etc
Almost everything in that summary sounds pretty good to me. I didn't really love Inquisition (and haven't played any of the other games), but this definitely seems like a game that will stay on my radar for when it drops in price.

I liked Inquisition a lot, you do have to get out of the hinterlands ASAP and focus on the main quest and ignore MMO like quests unless they are on your way or you have 20 or so minutes to kill

You should really play Origins, I actually havent played 2

I will be waiting for a GOTY type deal and when its cheap most likely. I am hankering to replay Origins, played it a long time ago, on ps3 actually as I didnt have a good PC. I rarely buy games at release. Just started Kingdom Come Deliverance and Case of the Golden Idol, got them for about $7 each
I liked Inquisition a lot, you do have to get out of the hinterlands ASAP and focus on the main quest and ignore MMO like quests unless they are on your way or you have 20 or so minutes to kill

You should really play Origins, I actually havent played 2
I definitely would like to play Origins. It's amazing with all of the remastered and ported games out there that the first two Dragon Age games are stuck on the Xbox 360/PS3 generation (I presume they're on PC as well, but usually there's a more modern console version available).
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