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Microsoft Microsoft can move forward with Activision/Blizzard acquisition.


GW Elder
you thought Blizzard was bad!

then you thought Blizzard owned by Activision was bad.

now get ready for... Blizzard owned by Microsoft!

Welcome To The Shitshow™
  • Agree
Reactions: Kat


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
you thought Blizzard was bad!

then you thought Blizzard owned by Activision was bad.

now get ready for... Blizzard owned by Microsoft!

Welcome To The Shitshow™

Does Activision still have CoD? WoW vs. CoD crossover incoming if they do.

At least it's not EA.

No, but you’d be a fool to think they aren’t sitting there salivating at all the ideas they’ve been pouring over waiting for this to play out before they make their next move.


Mew is a fkn cat
GW Elder
I'm torn on this. On the one hand, I absolutely hate the prospect of gamers being denied access to popular games because they were made exclusive and those people don't want to dish out more cash for another console.

On the other hand, I am laughing my ass off at how butt mad Sony is over this and potentially losing major money making franchises, since the entire reason they have any success is hoarding exclusives.

This may only be slight bitterness over no PC release of Bloodborne.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Activision does but they've owned Blizzard for a while

it's the Halo/COD crossover you need To watch out for.

Master Chief joins up with Ghost. They fight off space terrorists. They learn the space terrorists are actually space nazis. Buy the bonus DLC to play Space Nazis and get a free loot crate and some wood to close a fucking door off.

There. I saved you about $105 and a few hundred gigs of bandwidth.

I'm torn on this. On the one hand, I absolutely hate the prospect of gamers being denied access to popular games because they were made exclusive and those people don't want to dish out more cash for another console.

On the other hand, I am laughing my ass off at how butt mad Sony is over this and potentially losing major money making franchises, since the entire reason they have any success is hoarding exclusives.

This may only be slight bitterness over no PC release of Bloodborne.

Here’s the thing… Sony can be mad. Microsoft has been mad all these years that people would rather play branded consoles that contain virtually the same hardware or less than PC’s than deal with their bullshit. The whole reason they got into consoles to begin with was because they were mad they were losing out to them.
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Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
GW Elder
I guess, technically, by process of elimination I'm the resident Xbox fangirl here? :unsure:

I get why Microsoft wants to do this, but... I fucking hate it. For far more reasons than I have time to get into tonight. Maybe this weekend!

First and foremost, Microsoft and Sony should both just fuck off into the sun. They spent so much time during the PS360 days shuttering and/or jettisoning their internal development studios and mothballing their IPs. They were warned, repeatedly, how fucking goddamn stupid that was. And yet they. Kept. Fucking. Doing. It.

Microsoft especially had literally killed everything they had with the singular exception of Rare, which only wasn't killed because it had already been gutted of talent and shoved into the purgatory that was creating the abysmal knock-off Nintendo Mii ("Avatar") bullshit.

I'm okay with them picking up studios like Ninja Theory and inXile. I'm okay with them funding projects through studios having a rough go of things creating win-win scenarios, like with Lost Odyssey (Mistwalker/feelplus) and Infinite Undiscovery (tri-Ace) back on the X360. I'm not okay with them - or Sony, or even Nintendo - purchasing any of the Top 10 publishers.

Call of Duty will remain mutliplatform forever. It's financial negligence to do otherwise. But everything else? Nah fam. Granted Activision's own MO has been "run select few things into the ground with excessive milking and ignore everything else" for the last 20 years, but still.

The only amusing thing that will come from this is that, 15-ish years after the initial rumor, World of Warcraft will probably get an Xbox port now. :chuckle
On the other hand, I am laughing my ass off at how butt mad Sony is over this and potentially losing major money making franchises, since the entire reason they have any success is hoarding exclusives.
Do they have more exclusives than the other consoles? I feel like Nintendo has even more, but I don't play Xbox enough to know about that one.


Mew is a fkn cat
GW Elder
Do they have more exclusives than the other consoles? I feel like Nintendo has even more, but I don't play Xbox enough to know about that one.
Idk, but I see a ton of Sony Ponies clamoring about how great their exclusives are and how PC guys want all of them but can't have them.

I figured it would be mean to show them the comprehensive list of PC exclusives.


Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
GW Elder
Do they have more exclusives than the other consoles? I feel like Nintendo has even more, but I don't play Xbox enough to know about that one.
All 3 have absolutely enormous IP stables. Sony has the most dormant/dead ones; Nintendo has arguably the smallest, but absolutely the strongest and most diverse lineup. Microsoft has a lot of stuff they've bought and then never done anything with, or bought, crapped out one or two games with, and then mothballed.

The thing with Sony is that Nintendo hasn't tried to compete power-wise for several generations, so by default Sony gets basically the entirety of Japan 1:1 or fully exclusive. Because Xbox might as well not even exist in Japan, and PC ports are only just now becoming more common. Something like Final Fantasy might as well be Sony exclusive at this point.

Not unrelated, Sony also has a habit of money-hatting timed exclusivity. Which word on the street says was the catalyst (Starfield, specifically) for Microsoft buying ZeniMax/Bethesda to begin with.
Idk, but I see a ton of Sony Ponies clamoring about how great their exclusives are and how PC guys want all of them but can't have them.

I figured it would be mean to show them the comprehensive list of PC exclusives.
😂 Yeah this is obviously fanboi nonsense. PlayStation does have some excellent exclusives, but not any moreso than any other platform IMO.
All 3 have absolutely enormous IP stables.
I meant notable exclusives which would've been responsible for Sony's success.

The thing with Sony is that Nintendo hasn't tried to compete power-wise for several generations, so by default Sony gets basically the entirety of Japan 1:1 or fully exclusive. Because Xbox might as well not even exist in Japan
I didn't know that. Why is that? Due to Sony exclusives or because they prefer local companies?

The claim I was responding to is that Sony is only successful due to hoarding exclusives, but I feel like that isn't true. They did have an unparalleled library for the PS2, which probably is a big reason for their success, but almost everything was exclusive back then. I don't feel like they have an edge when it comes to their game library today.

With all that said, I will absolutely agree it's hilarious and hypocritical for any of the three to complain about the other guys having exclusives. We all know they'd make everything exclusive to their own console if they could manage it. I wouldn't cry any tears if exclusives went away entirely.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Idk, but I see a ton of Sony Ponies clamoring about how great their exclusives are and how PC guys want all of them but can't have them.

I figured it would be mean to show them the comprehensive list of PC exclusives.

I’ve played a good bit of the PS exclusive games, and I enjoyed most of them. I wouldn’t consider myself a “fanboy” by definition, even though I’ve only owned Sony consoles after the 32x. I never got the Saturn or DreamCast, I went straight to PSX. I’m too casual of a gamer these days to be a fanboy for anything. Horizon? Good franchise, I enjoyed the premise. Their creativity is refreshing when the landscape of sandbox RPG type games has gotten stagnant since we’re into our second decade between TES releases (I will not buy an X-Box for one game, I’d have to have several I’d want to play to rationalize that purchase). Last of Us was fun, as was the second installment. Replay value could have been better… it’s only one of those games I could play through two or three times. For me, the use of Sony consoles has nothing to do with exclusives and everything to do with familiarity.

With that said… are console wars even a thing anymore? It seems to me, with my limited involvement, that each has their niche now and exclusives are merely a way to fill it.


The Sorcerer
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
With that said… are console wars even a thing anymore? It seems to me, with my limited involvement, that each has their niche now and exclusives are merely a way to fill it.
Honestly, no. Nintendo does whatever Nintendo wants as they've always done. We all know how amazing first party stuff is from them so there's no reason for them to change the formula in a large way. Sony does still have great exclusives and now arguably thr most convenient and very powerful VR headset so that's a good thing. But Xbox has game pass now. That's hard to beat even if everything else was horrible.


Mew is a fkn cat
GW Elder
The claim I was responding to is that Sony is only successful due to hoarding exclusives, but I feel like that isn't true. They did have an unparalleled library for the PS2, which probably is a big reason for their success, but almost everything was exclusive back then. I don't feel like they have an edge when it comes to their game library today.
Poorly worded on my part. I don't think it's the only reason. But it is a big one. Yes, the Sony exclusives did help them in the PS2 era. The PS2 sold the most units of any console in history despite being, I believe, the least powerful console. And their library is likely a big part of that.

In modern days where many games are multi-plats, Sony managed to have the PS4 outsell the Xbox 1, again I believe despite being less powerful overall. And it may be speculation, but I'm guessing it is their exclusives library that is the reason for it.


Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
GW Elder
I meant notable exclusives which would've been responsible for Sony's success.
Yeah... that is/was me attempting to not write a short novel. :chuckle

When it comes to Sony: It's Complicated.

As you said, Sony is successful because of the PS1 and PS2 library. Which they themselves, in the grand scheme of things, have barely contributed to. But that library exists because Sony was the front-runner for two consecutive generations (with the first being a freebie because Sega imploded and Nintendo rolled with expensive and overpriced cartridges), and because during that period they weren't afraid to spend money. When Nintendo struck a deal with Capcom to get some exclusive games, Sony paid out the ass to get all of those games on the PS2 a year later. Resident Evil 4 may look worse on PS2 than it did GCN, and may have even sold worse, but that didn't really matter. You cannot be the market leader and not have a contender for "Game of the Generation" on your platform. Y'know? I doubt Capcom needed much convincing to port at least RE4, though.

For many, arguing whether a game is Sony exclusive by circumstance or genuinely Sony backed/owned is an exercise in pedantry. There is no difference in their mind. If they want to play Metal Gear Solid, they will always buy PlayStation. If they want to play Final Fantasy, always PlayStation. Monster Hunter (unless Nintendo steals it lol), Devil May Cry, Dragon Quest (Nintendo lol), Megami Tensei/Persona, From Software - all Sony, all the time. It applies to non-Japanese stuff too; Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed will also always be on PlayStation. Microsoft could buy Take-Two and Ubisoft on top of Activision and those games would still show up on PS5/6.

There are only two things that can break Sony in Japan (and by extension, the world): Nintendo having an on-par console, and Japan wholesale abandoning traditional console gaming. Which, in the case of the latter, is actually happening. Probably also why Japanese games are showing up more and more often on PC, albeit often with dubious quality.

I didn't know that. Why is that? Due to Sony exclusives or because they prefer local companies?
If by "prefer local companies" you mean "xenophobic beyond all comprehension," then yes.

Now, it's not 100% because of that. Microsoft has absolutely had a hand in their own failures by not continuing to heavily invest in Japan after about 2009. But back in the early days of the X360, before the PS3 launched and a couple years after where it was super struggling, Microsoft opened the wallet and got a ton of Japanese games either exclusively (Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Tales of Vesperia, Condemned: Criminal Origins [Monolith is American; Sega proper is Japanese], Dead Rising) or with parity (Devil May Cry 4, Final Fantasy XIII, Resident Evil 5). X360 actually managed to outsell the PS3, in Japan, on a couple of occasions. The internet routinely melted down with each game "betrayal" and surge in sales.

But cracks were always present. Games like Metal Gear Solid 4 didn't come to Xbox. Outside of big marquee title launches, sales were flatlined. Over time, PS3 picked up momentum. Despite the issues with the Cell processor and pricing, games that were once exclusive - Tales of Vesperia and Star Ocean: The Last Hope in particular - made the jump to PS3. With extra content. People were furious. Consoles and discs were destroyed and posted to the internet, as is wont to happen.

And then, of course, there was the little problem that was the Red Ring of Death. Which was less of a pain for people in North America than it was for people elsewhere, unsurprisingly.

So PS3 wound up outselling X360 worldwide by the end of the generation. And then... well, the Xbone (that's Crossbone, y'dig?) happened. Hoooly crap, Don, that's still embarrassing to hear ~11 years later.

With that said… are console wars even a thing anymore? It seems to me, with my limited involvement, that each has their niche now and exclusives are merely a way to fill it.
Of course they are. In all directions. GameFAQs still exists! :chuckle

Sony and Microsoft still play into it every now and again. It's still, y'know, fucking embarrassing. Sometimes funny though.

So what do you guys think? Personally it feels like FTC are a bunch of Sony fanboys, it is so weird.
A lot of the arguments are stupid and generally in bad faith because... well, there really isn't a valid legal argument to be made.

You'd have to approach this in the same way that people pointed out with Disney acquiring Marvel and Star Wars. They're creative works, they consolidate power, are definitely bad, but they don't - can't, really - form a monopoly. Microsoft owning Call of Duty doesn't, y'know, prevent Medal of Honor and Battlefield from existing. This isn't quite like EA having an exclusive contract with the NFL, denying Take-Two the opportunity to compete.

So, yeah. It's functionally Sony spending a lot of money trying to make this not happen, while also spending a lot of money elsewhere to outright buy studios like Bungie and keep other, smaller Top 10 publishers like Square Enix in a limbo state.


Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
GW Elder

Sounds a lot like Sony conceding the point, which should be the last of it. Seeing a lot of talk of having the acquisition offer formally extended (was to end tonight/tomorrow), with only the UK's CMA standing in the way. The above deal was further clarified to only apply to Call of Duty, as one would expect. So, in the event a new Crash Bandicoot comes out, that would presumably be Xbox and PC only.

Which, on that note - it's pretty wild to think Microsoft will have both Banjo and Crash.


CFO of Shitposting, Head of Data & Insights
GW Elder

Sounds a lot like Sony conceding the point, which should be the last of it. Seeing a lot of talk of having the acquisition offer formally extended (was to end tonight/tomorrow), with only the UK's CMA standing in the way. The above deal was further clarified to only apply to Call of Duty, as one would expect. So, in the event a new Crash Bandicoot comes out, that would presumably be Xbox and PC only.

Which, on that note - it's pretty wild to think Microsoft will have both Banjo and Crash.

As a CoD fan boy, this pleases me
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