• Celebrating One Year of Revival!

    Come and join us in celebrating one year of GW's revival as GWF, share in some statistics and help us push towards the next twenty years! CLICK HERE

    We're also looking for suggestions for another community event we can put together that we can all enjoy! Come and give us some suggestions HERE
  • Our second year of the NFL Pick 'Em is open to join now. You can join directly here and get involved in the weekly threads over in the Picks forum.

U.S.A. Massive Fire at Chicken Farm in Illinois

the USA has more laying chickens than it does people. How many fucking eggs do we eat? :odd
A lot. Here are 200+ recipes that use eggs:

Eggs became a breakfast staple because farmers had a surplus and they hit up a "public relations" expert named Edward Berneys (who was a former propagandist for the WWI US war machine and a relative of Sigmund Freud) to find a way to sell bacon and eggs as a breakfast item.

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