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Multi Let's relive some memories of playing online with other GW members

So, what comes to mind? For me it's three immediate memories.

First is playing Supreme Commander 2 with dimmer wit and a few others. @Major Isoor maybe? Just having massive comp stomps. Incredible fun.

Second is playing Red Dead Redemption with @Cole and someone else, but I can't remember who. I remember a particular time that we got into a massive rolling fight across the map with another few guys. Again, great fun.

Third was playing some random Indie PSN game with @Cole and (I think) @The Eye in the Sky! It was a 2D free for all arena game. Commando something? I remember Cole being much better than us at it but can't remember the name.

Googled it. Crash Commando. Really dug that out of the back of my mind. Haven't given that game any thought in at least a decade.

What are


GW Elder
RDR we played with Tom too.

Crash Commando was an AMAZING game. Tom and I ran that shit for so long. I wish I could still play that game.

The biggest for me is obviously CS 1.6 on iServer.

Also jump maps in TFC with @Leandros_89. There was lots of good stuff.


GW Elder
Poker in the GWPS of course with many people. Don't think I ever made it far though. CS 1.6 with the PIMI folks occasionally, and I remember doing a playthrough of Halo 3's 4 person campaign with some folks, but my memory is shit. Maybe Shadow, Tommy Boy and somebody else?


GW Elder
Poker in the GWPS of course with many people. Don't think I ever made it far though. CS 1.6 with the PIMI folks occasionally, and I remember doing a playthrough of Halo 3's 4 person campaign with some folks, but my memory is shit. Maybe Shadow, Tommy Boy and somebody else?
It was CAFM. I remembered we played almost the entire campaign when we all got back from the midnight releases lol.
The biggest for me is obviously CS 1.6 on iServer.



Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
GW Elder
For as long as I've sat around talking about games with y'all, I've actually very rarely played games with others. ...Or games at all by comparison with just ranting and raving for hours on end. It's a curse. Off the top of my head:

Had some real good times with @Spiner202 playing Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. For what basically amounts to glorified game of hide and seek, that was an incredibly well done tacked-on multiplayer mode that literally nobody asked for. Unfortunately Ubisoft messed up (I mean, it's Ubisoft, that's what they do) with the scoring and maps and... kind of everything else for every other yearly release. Revelations, AC3 and Black Flag all had dreadful multiplayer by comparison. Anyway, specifically with Spiner, I believe we also suffered through Brutal Legend achievements together. I don't recall whether we ever quite got around to playing Rock Band or Guitar Hero together, but, he almost certainly would've steamrolled me if we had!

I went and played through the entirety of Resident Evil 5, online, on the hardest difficulty, with Pumpkin Escobar. It's a miracle we didn't shatter our TVs/monitors between the lag and super goddamn awful QTE sections. Especially in the segment where you're fighting Wesker. 😂

Played a bit of Final Fantasy XIV with both Rachel and Rick(52). Wish we could've gotten together more, but, schedules don't quite match up well enough. Totally spun up a new character just for the chance.

Did a little more here and there with others, like Beha(513?), but nothing too major or memorable that I can immediately recall. Would've been all over the Yu-Gi-Oh! scene had one of those games had online back in the day instead of awkwardly trying to type through fucking AIM.
For as long as I've sat around talking about games with y'all, I've actually very rarely played games with others. ...Or games at all by comparison with just ranting and raving for hours on end. It's a curse. Off the top of my head:

Had some real good times with @Spiner202 playing Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. For what basically amounts to glorified game of hide and seek, that was an incredibly well done tacked-on multiplayer mode that literally nobody asked for. Unfortunately Ubisoft messed up (I mean, it's Ubisoft, that's what they do) with the scoring and maps and... kind of everything else for every other yearly release. Revelations, AC3 and Black Flag all had dreadful multiplayer by comparison. Anyway, specifically with Spiner, I believe we also suffered through Brutal Legend achievements together. I don't recall whether we ever quite got around to playing Rock Band or Guitar Hero together, but, he almost certainly would've steamrolled me if we had!
Oh wow, I didn't remember playing Brutal Legend together. I think I finished one or two achievements short of 100%, so maybe we didn't play enough haha!


Chief Liquid Officer, Shitposting Dept.
GW Elder
Oh wow, I didn't remember playing Brutal Legend together. I think I finished one or two achievements short of 100%, so maybe we didn't play enough haha!
Time to join the dark side again, then! What does PlayStation have anyway, really? Besides... besides like everything Microsoft hasn't bought so far. 🤣
When I was around GW it was still pretty early days for online gaming. But I have incredibly happy memories of playing Battlefield 1942 and shooting the shit with folks in TeamSpeak. It's honestly pretty incredible to me that in 2003 we were regularly using voice chat to play games. Me, MajBoothroyd, Ben/Blind Guardian, Isis, @Olga , poj, I/O, it was people from literally all over the world who were able to get together and chat. Unfortunately, @Lunar Kreskents was never able to join in due to her terrible 56k middle-of-nowhere Wisconsin internet connection at the time, but boy did we ever try. It took almost another 15 years before I started regularly playing with a group of people with voice chat in a similar way when I started playing Destiny.


I used to be God. but now I'm just me
GW Elder
Oh man. @Major Isoor got me into supreme commander 2 and I've been trying to spread that around ever since lol. There was definitely a lot of Animal Crossing with @The Flame going on for a while. I think I might've played one match of mw2 with @Cole when I had absolutely no business playing a game on a computer lmao

Edit: I completely forgot about Halo with Beha. There was a lot of Halo with Beha
I consider it a miracle I even had Internet access tbh lol. Btw, the Internet there is still shit, so my brother finally set up the farm with Starlink.
Nice! One of my Destiny clan buddies lives in bumfuck Canada and had a WISP, but they just sent him a letter to get rekt they're terminating his service so he signed up for Starlink. Seems to be going well so far for him!
Nice! One of my Destiny clan buddies lives in bumfuck Canada and had a WISP, but they just sent him a letter to get rekt they're terminating his service so he signed up for Starlink. Seems to be going well so far for him!
My mom seems to like it as well... not that she knows what good internet is haha, but Alex seems to like it enough to be able to work on it so it must be decent! If only we had decent access on the farm before the internet itself went down the shitter 😜
Played a LOT of Animal Crossing: Wild World when I first joined with @God. , Cpezo, Mr. Jack, and a few others whose GW names escape me. Played a lot of Runescape with a guy named Caboose I was close with. Think I might've played Minecraft a bit with God. and Matthewhimself? I definitely was coerced into playing Supreme Commander 2 with someone here but I have no idea who. Wasn't my type of game though.

So weird to think about this stuff because (for me at least) it was a time before voice calls. If I wasn't on GW I was talking to people through MSN or Steam. I remember talking to God. on Mumble like once eventually, and had Ventrilo for some reason as well. But now everyone has Discord and it's the easiest thing in the world.
My mom seems to like it as well... not that she knows what good internet is haha, but Alex seems to like it enough to be able to work on it so it must be decent! If only we had decent access on the farm before the internet itself went down the shitter 😜
Despite your shitty internet, I don't think you missed out on too much back then. :) You were always right there with us. ❤️
So weird to think about this stuff because (for me at least) it was a time before voice calls. If I wasn't on GW I was talking to people through MSN or Steam. I remember talking to God. on Mumble like once eventually, and had Ventrilo for some reason as well. But now everyone has Discord and it's the easiest thing in the world.
This is really driving home to me how insane it is that we were regularly on TeamSpeak back then lol. Like I said earlier, I didn't really start doing much voice stuff again after that until ~2017. GW was truly pioneering technology back then 🤣

Major Isoor

Dynamite with a laser beam
GW Elder
Also, I remember playing Worms Reloaded with @The Flame and some other GWers, as well as some of TF's IRL buddies. Those were the days! I played a LOT of worms back then - even more so than the heaps I played back when Worms World Party came out aeons ago!
Also, I remember playing Worms Reloaded with @The Flame and some other GWers, as well as some of TF's IRL buddies. Those were the days! I played a LOT of worms back then - even more so than the heaps I played back when Worms World Party came out aeons ago!
Holy crap I completely forgot that happened. I haven't played Worms in ages man


GW Elder
did you see my steam message? or someone else get you here?


Yes! I saw it from your message. Sorry I forgot to respond. 😬
This was absolutely one of the most memorable gaming experiences of my life.

Also hay doods.
Same! It was insanely fun. That and staying up until like 5am playing Sven not even really knowing what is happening was the best. HAY DOOD.


Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
When I was around GW it was still pretty early days for online gaming. But I have incredibly happy memories of playing Battlefield 1942 and shooting the shit with folks in TeamSpeak. It's honestly pretty incredible to me that in 2003 we were regularly using voice chat to play games. Me, MajBoothroyd, Ben/Blind Guardian, Isis, @Olga , poj, I/O, it was people from literally all over the world who were able to get together and chat. Unfortunately, @Lunar Kreskents was never able to join in due to her terrible 56k middle-of-nowhere Wisconsin internet connection at the time, but boy did we ever try. It took almost another 15 years before I started regularly playing with a group of people with voice chat in a similar way when I started playing Destiny.
So much Battlefield. And holy shit those were the days when if you had to install a patch it took half a day to complete over 56k. Start that shit before you go to school, and still be left waiting after getting home. I equally have memories of the Iwo Jima map from 1942 and constantly trying to clip each other with planes, as well as the choppers in the desert strike mod or whatever it was. Actually most of my memories in that game were of trying to crush my friends using vehicles, so that's healthy.

I did similar and fell off on multiplayer or talking to anyone for a long time. I think after I left GW I was still in a WoW guild for a while, leading raids and stuff over voice chat. It was never the same as just having a bunch of fools living in my headset, though. After I checked out of WoW too I just stopped looking for groups to play with, and haven't changed that yet.


CFO of Shitposting, Head of Data & Insights
GW Elder
Used to play a lot of COD with @Tubby23 and @Madden_07 , think @Spiner202 did too … any of the other guys on here?

Played Gears with @Crazy Jamie and was regularly the reason we failed to progress on co-op as he was considerably better than me.
Those were the times, trying to find the perfect sweet spot of all the different timezones. God I enjoyed playing CoD with you guys


New Member
GW Elder
The main thing I remember was a shared Minecraft server when Minecraft was in early alpha and just creative mode and a browser game at that. Early days. I remember enjoying watching what folks built and then the griefing started.
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