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U.S.A. Joe Biden Lays Conditions for Stepping Down from Election


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Fuck he must have given it to the Ice Queen in fucking Narnia.

That explains so much.
Oh well the world is fine, then, my fellow ginger bitch Aslan took care of her.

the chronicles of narnia film GIF
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Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Could it be that people are sick of the GOP's bullshit?

Hope so because DeSantis getting the boot would be glorious.
He's term limited, so he's done as Governor.

Hence why he went for that horrible presidential run.

But I could see him sliding into Rick Scott's senate seat, since Skeletor is like 71.
  • They’re Right, You Know?
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Do you believe it? I don't. Why? Because he said he'd step down if Dem leaders asked him to or showed him evidence that he can't win, and when that happened he only doubled-down instead.

As for Florida, they've had a wannabe Trump for governor for a while now, so that probably helped to swing the pendulum the other way for now. If only that were possible for my deep red state, even if Landry wasn't newly elected.
Do you believe it? I don't. Why? Because he said he'd step down if Dem leaders asked him to or showed him evidence that he can't win, and when that happened he only doubled-down instead.

As for Florida, they've had a wannabe Trump for governor for a while now, so that probably helped to swing the pendulum the other way for now. If only that were possible for my deep red state, even if Landry wasn't newly elected.
Stepping down for medical reasons would give him an out though while trying to save face. Smart people would know the difference, but now he needs to go isolate in Delaware for a few weeks instead of campaigning because he has COVID. Wouldn't be much of a stretch if he said this weakened him and he feels he can no longer perform. Could see him stepping down altogether and giving people a taste of Harris (though I doubt this very much with his ego).

As for Florida, I dunno... where I am is still DEEP Trump country. I dunno about where Vash is. But here, even mentioning you support Biden will get you shot.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Dude, don't call him that. We can talk about his health and his debate performance and stepping down and all that without needlessly talking like the Trump supporters do.
Besides, of the two candidates, the one that fell asleep on live TV this week wasn't Joe.
Stepping down for medical reasons would give him an out though while trying to save face. Smart people would know the difference, but now he needs to go isolate in Delaware for a few weeks instead of campaigning because he has COVID. Wouldn't be much of a stretch if he said this weakened him and he feels he can no longer perform. Could see him stepping down altogether and giving people a taste of Harris (though I doubt this very much with his ego).

As for Florida, I dunno... where I am is still DEEP Trump country. I dunno about where Vash is. But here, even mentioning you support Biden will get you shot.
Maybe, but I'm a bit weirded out by his sudden and unexplained tenacity to hold on like a dog with a bone. He was in denial before, I feel like whatever thing is holding him needs to break first and we don't know what that is.


Caterpillar Accountant
Mr. Queen of the Dead
10K Post Club
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I want Biden to announce he's not running like 15 minutes before Trump's speech.

Go full Dark Brandon. Trump would lose his shit if he got overshadowed like that, plus it would fuck up whatever bullshit is on the teleprompter worse than the bullet did.
Maybe, but I'm a bit weirded out by his sudden and unexplained tenacity to hold on like a dog with a bone. He was in denial before, I feel like whatever thing is holding him needs to break first and we don't know what that is.
I hear you. I think it's him trying to show "strength" and "vigor" that everyone said he didn't have at the debate. But every interview and rally since has done nothing to alleviate those concerns.
I want Biden to announce he's not running like 15 minutes before Trump's speech.

Go full Dark Brandon. Trump would lose his shit if he got overshadowed like that, plus it would fuck up whatever bullshit is on the teleprompter worse than the bullet did.
I've been thinking that the best way to pull ahead of Trump and energize as many democrats and independents as possible would be for him to step down and then appoint somebody who is neither a corporate centrist establishment democrat, nor a hard-left progressive, but somewhere in between those two. That way literally everyone who doesn't want Trump would be able to vote for them even if its not their ideal candidate.
I've been thinking that the best way to pull ahead of Trump and energize as many democrats and independents as possible would be for him to step down and then appoint somebody who is neither a corporate centrist establishment democrat, nor a hard-left progressive, but somewhere in between those two. That way literally everyone who doesn't want Trump would be able to vote for them even if its not their ideal candidate.
Sadly, he will almost certainly endorse Harris because she'd pull his same policies (that he can easily beat Trump on if he could fucking articulate it!). NOT passing the torch to Harris at his point may cause more rift in the party. He's propped up Vice President Trump too much to not select her now.

Still can't believe he said that...
As for Florida, I dunno... where I am is still DEEP Trump country. I dunno about where Vash is. But here, even mentioning you support Biden will get you shot.
Florida, like Texas I expect to remain red, which is why I've got my fingers crossed a state like such somehow flips. It'd be such a huge deal to have one like that go blue.
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GW Elder
As for Florida, they've had a wannabe Trump for governor for a while now, so that probably helped to swing the pendulum the other way for now. If only that were possible for my deep red state, even if Landry wasn't newly elected.
It happened a little going from Bobby Jindal (🤢) to John Bel Edwards. I say a little because JBE was a middle of the road liberal.

But yeah Louisiana is fucked for the foreseeable future. o_O
It happened a little going from Bobby Jindal (🤢) to John Bel Edwards. I say a little because JBE was a middle of the road liberal.

But yeah Louisiana is fucked for the foreseeable future. o_O
We occasionally vote in a Democrat for gubernatorial elections and local elections, but as far as I know, voting for president has never even been close.


No Problem Here
GW Elder
Florida has a shot. Texas will never go blue.

The frustrating part is that a lot of this is due to the fact that only about half the people vote. Texas could very easily turn blue if only more people voted.

Another interesting thing. Many predict Houston will soon overtake Chicago as the third most populated metro area. You are more blue in big cities.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
The frustrating part is that a lot of this is due to the fact that only about half the people vote. Texas could very easily turn blue if only more people voted.

Another interesting thing. Many predict Houston will soon overtake Chicago as the third most populated metro area. You are more blue in big cities.

How much is that due to urban flight and stagnating population growth in Chicago, though? I don’t hear many good things out of there, and Chicagoans seem to be killing each other faster than they can reproduce. I’ve heard Houston is growing at a decent pace, but on the same token… I’ve heard cities like Chicago and Detroit are becoming ghost towns in certain neighborhoods, and have seen it myself in cities on the east coast. When that happens, you start to see more gentrification, redistricting down the line, and then eventually gerrymandering… which could end up altering the affiliation of a city, even if incrementally.
The frustrating part is that a lot of this is due to the fact that only about half the people vote. Texas could very easily turn blue if only more people voted.

Another interesting thing. Many predict Houston will soon overtake Chicago as the third most populated metro area. You are more blue in big cities.
We would win every presidential election and have control of the Senate and Congress if Democrats just showed up to vote like they are supposed to.
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