• Celebrating One Year of Revival!

    Come and join us in celebrating one year of GW's revival as GWF, share in some statistics and help us push towards the next twenty years! CLICK HERE

    We're also looking for suggestions for another community event we can put together that we can all enjoy! Come and give us some suggestions HERE
  • Our second year of the NFL Pick 'Em is open to join now. You can join directly here and get involved in the weekly threads over in the Picks forum.

Forum FAQ

We've yet to make a dedicated home for members to self-promote any YouTube/Twitch/etc channels that they run, or organize any other content they create, so that's the very purpose of this forum.
  • It's set up under an article format, so the first post will act as a static point to include your primary channel link, or cycle through newly released videos and hold a content index. Really, how you set it up is up to you, just know that it'll stick at the top of every page in the thread so no one has to jump back to page 1, or dig for update posts.
  • Streaming/posting of Mature rated games (or the equivalent under any other rating-system) is fine, but please include the "NSFW" tag if that's the case. We don't want someone accidentally thinking they're showing a light-hearted PIkmin stream to their boss, and suddenly you're gibbing terrorists with copious curse-words.
  • Also please refrain from using this forum to just promote your favorite gaming channels in general, and limit it to ones you actually operate.
  • A thread can also be created to just share your own screenshots even if they're not being formally streamed through any service.
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Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I'm expanding the purview of this forum so it can also be leveraged as a repository for members to dump their own gaming screenshots, even if they don't formally stream.

And while my primary vision is for everyone to have their own thread where they can continually update content as they post it, I'm also open to collaborative threads if anyone wants to play multiplayer games together, etc.
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