Coast to Coast Story Time


GW Elder
This is going to be a long one, but I really just wanted people to share it with. I don't really use social media, and it's just one of those things I need to get out of my system.

I've known my girlfriend and her family since I was 7. We grew up in the same temple, we were very close. She told people when she was under the age of 10 that she wanted to marry me someday. It's a long complicated history, but our families were very close. We didn't talk for a very long time as my life (with my mom) drew me into seclusion and I let her move on and start her life.

I'm gonna skip all the reconnection stuff for right now, but in August of last year, she found out in a NOT very nice way that her father wasn't actually her biological father, that he couldn't have children so they had to use an anonymous donor. Well, this was three days before we left for fucking Cooperstown for an entire week, and it was really really devastating. For my girlfriend, family was a big part of her identity, the MAJORITY of her aunts, uncles, cousins, are within a 10 minute drive from our house, they're a "townie" family, and for her to find out that HALF of that family wasn't "really hers" was very devastating.

sometime after we returned from Cooperstown, she took a 23andme test, we weren't hoping to find any connections, this was more about finding her health history, her biological history so she could start to move forward with things.

but this is where the story turns, and I'm getting chills and starting to cry already.

a few weeks after she took that 23 and me test, she got the results. ON HER BIRTHDAY FRIENDS, she got the results.

her biological father is on 23 and me, and so are her THIRTEEN other siblings. but I'm not done. her biological father is a very famous dentist in Los Angeles, like a multi millionaire, and he, his wife of 20+ years, his 3 natural children, have embraced each and every one of these biochildren, within days of getting these results, she received a text message from one of the sisters who informed my girlfriend that she was the "welcome wagon" because, these people don't just talk occasionally, but they have formed a new family.

I didn't believe it at first. I had my guard up, there are 13 siblings, 13 spouses (actually 14, considering one of her sisters is in a throuple), and more kids, and statistically speaking someone is going to be a monster, right? there were like 30 names added to our family in one instance and blood or not, SOMEONE has to be a douchebag, right?

So I had been worried, and stressed, and anxious. A few weeks after my gf found out, she was invited to the wedding of one of her brothers in California, this brother is one of the "natural" children of her biological father, and he invited ALL of the siblings, spouses, and even kids to go to California and go to the wedding. my sweet girlfriend, who loves first and struggles second, immediately was excited and wanted to go, and I was terrified. So many people, new people, strange people, scary people, people I didnt know. I didn't know if she would be safe, and it scared me.

for the next few weeks and months she talked to them a LOT, there is a huge whatsapp group message with ALL of them, shes in other smaller groups with a few siblings or spouses, and it was insane. We bought tickets to California late last year.

A lot of you guys don't know me super super well. Tom (and a couple others who truly know me), but Tom especially will be able to vouch for this. the way my brain works is pretty fucked up, I have a lot of mental fuckiness from the life that I've had, and I tend to see danger and threat all around me. I get red flags about EVERYONE all the time, alarms in my brain are constantly going off, that persons a threat, I dont want that person near my girlfriends kids, i see it all the time.

so, her biofather, originally he was going to have us stay in one of his 3 homes, it was going to be in Malibu, pool, hot tub, ...everything. Completely at cost, zero money invested, just have to fly out. Okay, sounds... cool. Malibu dream house vacation? Sure.

A few days before we flew out, her biodad says "so I had to rent the Malibu House to a family that lost t heir home in a fire, its a long term rental. I rented you guys a mansion."

he wasn't joking...
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7 bedrooms, 7 baths, pool, hot tub, movie theater, outdoor kitchen, sunken firepit. it was a mansion.

but HERES WHERE IT GETS CRAZY. and I say again, a lot of you won't understand how big a deal some of what I'm about to say is coming from *ME*, but it is.

as we were driving up to this mansion in the fucking hills outside Los Angeles, I said to my girlfriend "...dont ditch me okay? I'm not gonna wanna be alone here, and I don't want you to be."

when we pulled into the driveway, a lot of the siblings and her biofather were on the porch. her biodad FORCED his way past people, grabbed Dara, stared at her the way a fucking dad does, then hugged her and started crying. Within the first 2 minutes of being there, I had 10 people I've never met, whos faces I didnt know, whos NAMES I DID NOT KNOW, walk up to me and say "you must be Cole!" and give me a huge hug.

I... think I changed in that moment. I walked away from my gf and her new siblings found some of the spouses, and, again, was just immediately welcomed into their group (I was handed a blunt 30 seconds later).

EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. was incredible. we were there for 6 days, all of us, and we hardly left the house other than the wedding and rehearsal dinner. and... not one red flag. not one alarm bell. not one "well I dont really wanna eat next to that person", every. single. person. was amazing, they were family. it was like they had been raised togetther their entire lives and were just coming together for this gathering later in life. I could walk into any group and just join the conversation. I met the husband of another of my girlfriends sisters and he and I made AMAZINGLY fast friends, we have very similar minds and temperaments and we just became fast friends. I haven't smoked that much weed since I was a teenager, 6 straight days waking up with a blunt, going to bed with a blunt, and passing joints and vapes the rest of the day.

I am still struggling with it, if I'm being honest. Im waiting for the strings, I'm waiting for the shoe to drop. but every sibling I talked to, every siblings spouse I talked to, all had the same message.

there aren't any strings.

this. is. family.

at one point, one of the other new sisters (my girlfriend came in with a wave of 5 new siblings to the already established group of 9 previously!), walked over to one of the natural children and said "i'm so jealous of your life, can we trade lives?" and without missing a beat, this girl replied "can't you just come be apart of it?" and I started breaking down.

there were moments like that sprinkled throughout the week. one of the new siblings was a former meth addict whos teeth are really messed up. her biodad is fixing them with actual implants FOR FREE. flying her to California to do it. ...and hes doing her boyfriends teeth too.

the entire week I kept fighting tears, "this isnt real" "life isnt supposed to be this easy" "I don't just get shit like this".

her biological father... towards the end, he hugged me, and he fucking THANKED ME for loving his daughter, and so did a couple of her sisters.

It... as of this point in my life, is the single most incredible thing to ever happen to me. I genuinely think it changed my life, it changed how I view love, and family, and what actually caring really means. all of these people accepted us immediately, no one had a complaint, no one judged us, no one made us uncomfortable, the siblings, the spouses, the fucking DOG that one of them brought, everyone got along, everyone was perfect with each other.

It's a family. and, we've only known about them for 6 fucking months and even *I* the most cynical piece of shit asshole you can possibly imagine, I hate everyone, I hate groups, I HATE MY OWN FAMILY, but after 6 months and then 6 days of being with them? I love and miss them all like I've known them my whole life.

I never post shit like this, I NEVER FEEL like this.

there are happy endings to life sometimes, but this was a fairytale, this IS a fairytale.

I've had an insane almost 3 years. and so has my girlfriend. sometimes, we sit down with someone new and we tell everyone all the horrible shit that has happened to us over the last almost 3 years since my mom died, and I think "they're not going to believe us", "they're going to think we made this all up, how could this much bad shit happen to just 2 people?", but it IS what had been happening, is still happening. (both of my gfs parents were diagnosed with Alzheimer's a year apart from eachother.) and that's only the beginning, that's just an example, but it HAS all happened, and it has been REALLY REALLY HARD.

but now this has happened, and as I sit here posting this story, and replaying memories in my head, and thinking about those people. remembering how it felt to get hugged as I was leaving, the type of hug that says "I know you have to go but I don't want you to". Remembering how it felt to have people care about me that didn't know me. people that just wanted to make sure *I* was happy, I was having a good time, I was eating, I was cared for. I write all this and I think "some of you are going to not believe this happened", and I understand that urge. if I hadn't witnessed all of this myself, I don't think I'd believe it really happened.

but it did happen...

and my life feels different now. I feel like I have a REAL REAL future for the first time... probably ever. for one of the first times in my life I have a phone full of contacts who would pick up if I called and I needed them. there are people who will fight for us when we need help, there are people who will stand behind us when we need support.

I want to be a better person just to live in their world...

(California was amazing, the views we had at that house were incredible, we got Hibachi catered to the house one night, her biodad paid for massages for all of us the next day, I got to ride around in a Porsche at 120mph down the California freeway. i got to see a 1 of 1 1954 Corvette, and a 1 of ~100 1970 Baricuda, all owned by her biodad.)

strangely, i genuinely hope there are questions, I WANT to talk about this stuff. (which is also, very rare for me)


GW Elder
all the ones that have been found so far have come forward. could there be more people that haven't done a test? absolutely.

but honestly? they're actually thinking about turning off notifications, there's already too many of us. lol


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Cole, that's fucking awesome. I'm glad you both found this out, and I'm glad you both found this love and this connection. You both truly deserve it. Enjoy every second of this new part of life, and I mean that. I don't know what it is to have that kind of family, but I finally have an inkling of what it is to love someone, so to share that with an entire family? Has to feel amazing.



Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Truly an amazing read, dude. It also seems like it couldn’t have happened at a better time for the both of you. I couldn’t imagine being in her position, or yours, but you’ve done a great job conveying how profound of an impact it has had on the both of you.

Hopefully this is just the start of a new chapter for you guys, and y’all are able to build on it with not only more experiences, but a new outlook on life.

I ain’t gonna lie, though… that’s a lot of new names to remember at once, you’re lucky you guys had time to match up pictures with names over conversations leading up to the trip.


Tea Wrecks
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I'm so glad every time the story seemed to build to a "but then..." it was just even more awesome vibes.

I can't imagine having actual family, beyond my partner and children. I feel I'd be just as paranoid and hesitant. But being reassured enough to get past that and actually feel good about stuff is probably very transformative. I'm happy you get the chance to explore it.

I hope they're all happy. That can't be a easy relationship to manage for any of the three.
I have no idea why it wouldn't be... People can love more than one person. As long as everyone involved is informed and consenting, it doesn't have to be any more stressful than a monogamous relationship. The only thing that ruins relationships like that is one person saying they're cool with it while the whole time fighting jealousy. If they've worked out some kind of balance that works for everyone, then they're probably happier than most of us.


GW Elder
the first day we were there, a few people were playing beer pong, and the man in the throuple, was pretty drunk and having fun and for some reason some one asked him if he had a bad morning.

this man looked her dead in the eye with a smile on his face and said "I never have a bad morning."

he has two gorgeous wives (J and S) a brand new 5 week old baby that is a God damn miracle, because the biological mother of the baby (S) was only WEEKS off of chemo for some rare form of leukemia, and was told she was infertile.

they are all HOPELESSLY in love with each other and you see it all over them. I spent a lot of time with J, who is my gfs sister (there were only 3 of us wake and baking and she was one of them) and they are all so incredibly happy.

currently the arrangement is J is married to the man. but currently they are in the process of getting divorced so that that S and J can get married. that way obviously both bio parents retain rights on the baby, but my gfs sister would now have married parental rights as well.

they are some of the happiest and nicest people I've met.


Tea Wrecks
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
the first day we were there, a few people were playing beer pong, and the man in the throuple, was pretty drunk and having fun and for some reason some one asked him if he had a bad morning.

this man looked her dead in the eye with a smile on his face and said "I never have a bad morning."

he has two gorgeous wives (J and S) a brand new 5 week old baby that is a God damn miracle, because the biological mother of the baby (S) was only WEEKS off of chemo for some rare form of leukemia, and was told she was infertile.

they are all HOPELESSLY in love with each other and you see it all over them. I spent a lot of time with J, who is my gfs sister (there were only 3 of us wake and baking and she was one of them) and they are all so incredibly happy.

currently the arrangement is J is married to the man. but currently they are in the process of getting divorced so that that S and J can get married. that way obviously both bio parents retain rights on the baby, but my gfs sister would now have married parental rights as well.

they are some of the happiest and nicest people I've met.
Yeah, I 100% believe dude never has a bad morning... I had a F-M-F relationship for probably half a year until one of my partners moved from Boston to California, and I was so happy with life I almost became a functional human... Like, waking up was just something I wanted to do, rather than actively fought against.

I'm happy they've got it worked out. Those kids are going to grow up knowing loving people is OK, and that's cool.


GW Elder
you guys aren't even factoring in the rest of the biofam.

at one point I was in the hot tub, and I had forgotten a towel so I asked my gf to grab me one.

she went inside, but forgot, and sometime later one of her sisters (and one of the original siblings) had brought me one. she was talking to my gf later, and told her "you don't have to worry, he has 5 wives here"

that child is going to grow up with 30 extra mommies and daddies. my gf held him almost all day every day, she loves babies, and was more than content to snuggle while the parents did other things.

I even said that st one point to the dad, "that kid is going to have the best story"


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
you guys aren't even factoring in the rest of the biofam.

at one point I was in the hot tub, and I had forgotten a towel so I asked my gf to grab me one.

she went inside, but forgot, and sometime later one of her sisters (and one of the original siblings) had brought me one. she was talking to my gf later, and told her "you don't have to worry, he has 5 wives here"

that child is going to grow up with 30 extra mommies and daddies. my gf held him almost all day every day, she loves babies, and was more than content to snuggle while the parents did other things.

I even said that st one point to the dad, "that kid is going to have the best story"
That sounds amazing. Sounds like anyone in that family won the lotto. Just to feel wanted...


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
I wouldn't have believed it if I wasn't there.
I totally get it, I'd feel like I was in the middle of a hallmark movie looking for the cameras. I've never met a family like that, but I've heard they're out there. I'm really glad you found them. Enjoy the hell out of it, because you already know how rare that kind of feeling is.


GW Elder
Wolf Players
Wow, I'm so happy for you two. I came from a supportive, loving family (though not as big as this!), and I can confirm it really makes your life easier to know you can count on them always and forever. I'm sure you'll enjoy getting accustomed to it.

It sounds like the dad is an excellent person to be spreading his genes around. He seems to just want to put love and happiness out into the world, despite apparently being wealthy. We would all benefit if more people were like him.

How's your girlfriend is feeling about the news about her original dad? IMO, if he raised her, then he's her father, genetics be damned. His family is still her family. Unless he and the rest of them are all dicks and she's looking for an excuse to ditch them, but that wasn't the impression I got from your story. So I guess I'm saying I hope she learns to appreciate both her families.


GW Elder
How's your girlfriend is feeling about the news about her original dad? IMO, if he raised her, then he's her father, genetics be damned. His family is still her family. Unless he and the rest of them are all dicks and she's looking for an excuse to ditch them, but that wasn't the impression I got from your story. So I guess I'm saying I hope she learns to appreciate both her families.
the way she found put was really shitty. her dad has become a real piece of shit in his later years. like, really bad. and he told her out of anger.

she knows he's still her father, and she's still fine with the rest of his family, but, in her words "California taught me what unconditional love really means" and some of the family here doesn't always quite align with that.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
the way she found put was really shitty. her dad has become a real piece of shit in his later years. like, really bad. and he told her out of anger.

she knows he's still her father, and she's still fine with the rest of his family, but, in her words "California taught me what unconditional love really means" and some of the family here doesn't always quite align with that.
I'm glad she knows what unconditional love is after that, no one deserves to be cast aside so callously, yet a lot of us are only too familiar with the sting of disappointment from family. So glad she has a real, loving family she can rely on.


idea man
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I’m really happy for you both.

As I was reading, like you, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop… but then

billy mayes GIF

And it was all good news.

Again, this is great news for you both


GW Elder
Wolf Players
the way she found put was really shitty. her dad has become a real piece of shit in his later years. like, really bad. and he told her out of anger.

she knows he's still her father, and she's still fine with the rest of his family, but, in her words "California taught me what unconditional love really means" and some of the family here doesn't always quite align with that.
Ugh, what a jerk. All the better to have found such a great family.
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