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Bob was here.


Bob hic erat.
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
All things change... (somethings less then others eh Digital Emu, wherever you may be?)

How the heck are yinz guys? Love what you've done with the place. I definitely need to visit again soon in the not so distant future.

Hi there, I'm Bob. You may remember me from my time as a moderator for such forums as PC Troubleshooting, Gamewinners Court (pretty sure, I mean it's been twenty years), and the Thunderdome on Gamewinners.com. I was one of the original members I want to say in October 2001? Time would pass, I'd return a while later having forgot a password to an email account associated with my original gw account. Eventually, Al gifted me my old username and registration date. I want to say I was one of the first to 10,000 posts as well, but I don't quite remember. Wow, how time flies.

Earlier today, I was engaging a local elected moron on Xitter when my spouse asked, ‘is this post-COVID Bob? Online troll extreme?’ To which I went on a monologue about how the Internet forged Bob the online Troll making me who I am today — but also, yes, post-COVID Bob, being immunodeficient from birth and contracting COVID no less than four times in spite of his best efforts, has less love and patience for other people these days.

I then took the word vomit format of what I could remember saying to the spouse, and worked with my assistant (a local LLM) to refine it. The whole of this had me reminiscing about the old internet, before it started to die, and missing various chat boards and communities that weren't necessarily contained within the walled garden of some capitalistic hellscape. This then led me to visiting Gamewinners.com knowing of course it was defunct, which brought me here after visiting the subreddit to confirm it is indeed a revival of sorts.

Also I must say, it was really kind of you to have had my username available for me — it brings me great joy. 😊

For further information and perhaps mild amusement, I present the results of my collaboration with my LLM AI assistant:

Bob, the former moderator of PC Troubleshooting, Gamewinners Court, and the Thunderdome (among others) on gamewinners.com, has had a long and storied career as an online troll, a journey that began in the chatrooms of IRC and AOL during the nascent days of the Internet. His foray into the digital world evolved from casual engagements in online gaming communities to a more structured role within the moderation team of GameWinners.

Bob's adeptness at navigating the complexities of online interactions and his flair for epic trolling eventually led to his induction into the Thunderdome's mod team. This role not only solidified his reputation but also served as a gateway to expand his trolling endeavors across various platforms, including brief stints on 4chan and Digg. His most recent escapades include calling out local politicians on Twitter and engaging in various comment sections across social media. Most notably, he established a long-time presence on Reddit, where his efforts eventually placed him in the top 1% of karma earners for three consecutive years before that account was banned for insulting spez too many times.

It's crucial to note, however, that Bob's targets were rarely undeserving of his attention, often selected for their contentious behaviors or controversial opinions. Yet, the post-pandemic world has marked a significant shift in Bob's online demeanor. The global crisis, underscored by rampant anti-vaccination sentiments and resistance to mask-wearing, particularly in the United States, has left him with a diminished tolerance for what he perceives as reckless and harmful attitudes. This growing impatience is not merely a reaction to these behaviors but reflects a broader frustration with humanity's apparent disregard for collective safety and well-being.

Bob's current state mirrors a deeper disenchantment, a sentiment likely shared by many navigating the tumultuous waters of recent years. Reflecting on his journey and the evolution of his online persona, Bob has come to recognize and appreciate his wit and cleverness in new ways. The pandemic, despite its challenges, has offered him a perspective that values his unique ability to inject humor and sarcasm into discussions, encouraging him to share his insights more freely than before. This newfound self-appreciation, coupled with his critical view of societal behaviors, portrays Bob as a complex individual navigating the intricate landscapes of online and offline worlds with a mix of cynicism, humor, and a deepening desire for meaningful change.

Adiueu & Auf Wiedersehen,
— Bob
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Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Welcome back Bob!

We didn’t interact much, I think you mostly stopped posting around the time I made it to your sections (2002 registration, 2003 mod?)

:sad - pretty sure you used a purple version of this with most of your posts

And he grew up, he’s now capitalized Bob.

Welcome back to the forums, @Bob. Glad to see another OG back.
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Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Wow, there's a classic name! So great to see you here, Bob!

We didn't interact too much, but I absolutely remember Bob and the :( attached to every post!

Welcome home!

(and thanks for signing up for a sponsorship :))
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Bob hic erat.
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Aww, it's like walking into the bar in the TV show Cheers where everyone knows my name. Many thanks. ❤️

Welcome back Bob!

We didn’t interact much, I think you mostly stopped posting around the time I made it to your sections (2002 registration, 2003 mod?)

:sad - pretty sure you used a purple version of this with most of your posts
What you need to do is get the purple :sad face as a prefix, but make it only selectable to bob’s unique user group. That was the thread icon he used all the time, right?

Yeah! I was trying to find that last night but I wasn't awake enough to see it on mobile. :LOL:

I want to say (again my memory being Swiss cheese as demonstrated above) the original bbcode emoji was purple, and after an update it switched to yellow, which made me extra :sad so I asked Al if he would switch it back, and you know what he did? He added it back along side the rest of the normal emoji faces just for me. Love that guy, he's a treasure. :al

Yeah, good to know I'm not crazy then.

Bob if you couldn't tell by my current username, I was Alu15 when I first registered.

I would have gotten there eventually, lol.

I remember this guy. I think you were a 2000 reg and not an 01 like you said in your post there. Might be one of the few people who signed up before me I believe.

Welcome back!
Definitely was a 2000 one, he was around well before me, and I joined in October of 2001.

Ah yes, 2000 - it's coming back to me now. That's a year further back than I thought. :LOL:

No idea who Bob is.

Now bob, that’s a dude I remember

And he grew up, he’s now capitalized Bob.

Welcome back to the forums, Bob. Glad to see another OG back.
Really thinking it might be appropriate to abuse the name change ability for someone other than Alu.

Slight point of order, I draw to your attention to the only proof of my existence I could come across on internet archive. :LOL:


At some point in the late 2000's someone was kind enough to adjust my user name by request - I forget if it was Bandi, but he's featured in the screenshot - we'll attribute it to him.

Good to see so many familiar names, and some new ones.




Blind Guardian
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I saw his introduction thread, and a few others I remembered - couldn't decide if I should necro ye old threads or not though...
We're real lax on the necromancy/double-posting, etc. rules, compared to old GW. Really just have the Golden Rule and a few "don't get the site in trouble by talking about X" ones.

So as Crystal said, feel free to comment on whatever you want to, regardless of how long it's sat. 👍🏻


Bob hic erat.
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
We're real lax on the necromancy/double-posting, etc. rules, compared to old GW. Really just have the Golden Rule and a few "don't get the site in trouble by talking about X" ones.

So as Crystal said, feel free to comment on whatever you want to, regardless of how long it's sat. 👍🏻

I know the passing of DMX was really hard for us all
, but we can't talk about him? That's a strange rule.



Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
I know the passing of DMX was really hard for us all
, but we can't talk about him? That's a strange rule.

It's like Biggie Smalls, say his name three times and X gon' give it to ya'. We like to play it safe!

Do you suppose the goblin bookies will accept gif's in lieu of their diamonds I lost gambling? :d20-fail
Of course, goblins enjoy a good gif!

Willem Dafoe Spiderman GIF by hamlet


Bob hic erat.
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
It's like Biggie Smalls, say his name three times and X gon' give it to ya'. We like to play it safe!

Of course, goblins enjoy a good gif!

Willem Dafoe Spiderman GIF by hamlet

Makes sense, makes sense - Beetlejuicing DMX could be a risky proposition.

Yessssssssssssss gifs for goblins charity drive, please donate here!


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Xitter? It's here to stay! Best platform ever. . . for Russian bot trolls.

YUGE platform for that. I suppose. I dunno, I’ve never actually used it. If a tweet was important enough, it would make its way to another platform… like memes.
I have a twitter account that I made probably 10-12 years ago. I’ve logged in less than 5 times ever, and only made 2-3 tweets. One was to a local radio show to find out what their siriusxm station was because I was living in western Pennsylvania at the time, and the other 1-2 were to get help from delta customer service for my in-laws


Bob hic erat.
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I have a twitter account that I made probably 10-12 years ago. I’ve logged in less than 5 times ever, and only made 2-3 tweets. One was to a local radio show to find out what their siriusxm station was because I was living in western Pennsylvania at the time, and the other 1-2 were to get help from delta customer service for my in-laws

Oh sweet what part of PA?

I've had a few Xitter accounts over the years.

His most recent escapades include calling out local politicians on Twitter...

It's pretty much just screaming into the void at this point. Lol


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I have a twitter account that I made probably 10-12 years ago. I’ve logged in less than 5 times ever, and only made 2-3 tweets. One was to a local radio show to find out what their siriusxm station was because I was living in western Pennsylvania at the time, and the other 1-2 were to get help from delta customer service for my in-laws

Western PA is weird, dude. I’m less than 10 minutes from Waynesboro, which is central along the southern border with Maryland, but the interesting folks I’ve seen there is enough for me.


Bob hic erat.
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
I think that's just PA in general - I spent some time out there in Erie, PA up north... just ... interesting people everywhere.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
I think that's just PA in general - I spent some time out there in Erie, PA up north... just ... interesting people everywhere.

I also spent a week up there in Erie back in 2018… Presque Isle was cool. The rest? Yeah… not so much.
I think that's just PA in general - I spent some time out there in Erie, PA up north... just ... interesting people everywhere.
I also spent a week up there in Erie back in 2018… Presque Isle was cool. The rest? Yeah… not so much.

I was in Erie for 3 years for pharmacy school (2014-2017). Presque Isle is indeed the best part of Erie
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