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U.S.A. Aileen Cannon Dismisses Case Against Trump


Took me time to find an article that isn't paywall locked... Stupid NY Times.

I know this case had no chance of ever seeing the light of day, but I find this stupid unlikely to NOT get overturned, like all her other decisions in this case... Her bias was on full display, as was her incompetence. Every single other case that EVER had a special prosecutor assigned would now be questioned. This is another far reaching affect Trump and his authoritarianism has gone in this country. We have Federal judges doing unprecedented things to completely erode and destroy the legal system in America.

Not only should Cannon be ashamed, but disbarred. And this, as well as every other choice she made in this case, as they were all erroneous and had no legal precedent should be immediately overruled in appeal.
Agree wholeheartedly. We're legitimately watching the destruction of our democracy and there's nothing we can do about it unless everyone gets over the complacency and realizes you need to blow Trump out of the waters with a landslide vote against him in November. That and instilling a super majority in Congress to try and root out the MAGA idiots causing this.

We're beyond the "This is bluster" part of all of this.
dem supermajority in congress + senate will never happen
even if it did you would suddenly have just the right amount of dem senators/congressmen waffle about so that no significant legislation could get passed
supreme court is rotten from the inside and many of those rotten postings will remain filled for decades
people will eventually vote 'r' to fuck things all up again anyway
the american slide into fascist plutocracy worsens.
there is no magic bullet -- not even the one that missed
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What worries me is that, even if Trump does lose this time, he can just run again next time if he doesn't decline. And he HAS to decline eventually...right?
If Trump loses, then Biden can perform an official action as President and send him to jail for his crimes. That's exactly what GOP would do, but dems don't really have the balls probably. At the very least, I hope he uses this newly discovered unobstructed power to restructure the supreme court while he has the legal ability to do anything he wants.
I believe his father got diagnosed with Alzheimer's in his early/mid 80s I believe. That could potentially mean Donald would get it himself, and the timeline could put it during his presidency or during the next presidency if he somehow doesn't win.

Also the big thing being missed in this thread so far:

The decision is being appealed. The case wasn't going to move forward until after the election anyway, and it was always going to depend on Trump not winning in order to move forward. With the appeal it can end up being assigned to a new judge in the federal circuit. Yes, the appeal needs to be won, but had Cannon allowed for the trial to start before dismissing it then it wouldn't have been able to get appealed.

Don't count on anything good coming from this, but there's a bit more going on.
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If Trump loses, then Biden can perform an official action as President and send him to jail for his crimes. That's exactly what GOP would do, but dems don't really have the balls probably. At the very least, I hope he uses this newly discovered unobstructed power to restructure the supreme court while he has the legal ability to do anything he wants.
As funny as that would be, no, there is still rule of law and checks and balances. Plus with SCOTUS owned by the right, they'd make that illegal pretty quick.

Plus, Biden would have to argue that jailing a political opponent is an official act. Which would never fly. And makes us Russia.

Does the scotus decision really give unfettered power like that, or just immunity from crimes?
The decision is essentially blanket immunity on federal crimes. So, while he couldn't lock him up, he COULD order the SEALs to take him out. Because then he can just say there was an official act and the reasoning is classified... and at that point there is essentially nothing that can be done because his words and actions in an official capacity can't be used against him.

And no, while Biden won't ever do that, Trump wouldn't hesitate. And his base would LOVE it. So... there again, is the threat to the very foundations of democracy he poses.

Oh, shit, I should be cooling the temperature and toning down the rhetoric. Sorry.


Slightly Insane
This dismissal was shocking to me. It was the case I thought had the most merit.
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