• This News Doesn't Suck!

    Everyone stop what you're doing! It's happening! GW's own Alu is having a baby!! Come and congratulate him here: Need some help identifying this picture.

    We're so happy for you, Alu!

MLB 2023 Postseason - Comments

Major League Baseball, 2023 Postseason
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It's going to be a pickem pool for every week of the upcoming postseason, sadly it all has to be entered manually, which is what takes so long to setup. Mods do have access to all of it, if you want to jump in and setup weeks and games, but there's no obligation, Mark and I are slowly fiddling away :D
Oh man, I tried running a full fantasy league off GW back in the days. I'm so thankful for Sleeper now to run my league for me. Suppose I'll have to give the NFL season a try here lol
Oh man, I tried running a full fantasy league off GW back in the days. I'm so thankful for Sleeper now to run my league for me. Suppose I'll have to give the NFL season a try here lol

I haven’t set the post season up here yet for MLB, but the pre season for NFL is live and the regular season is open to join.
Already joined the regular season one. For the preseason you'd have more luck trying to guess the jelly bean count in the jar lol
Already joined the regular season one. For the preseason you'd have more luck trying to guess the jelly bean count in the jar lol

Pretty much, but it was the earliest opportunity I have to see if I knew what the hell I was doing with setting up this add-on.
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