• This News Doesn't Suck!

    Everyone stop what you're doing! It's happening! GW's own Alu is having a baby!! Come and congratulate him here: Need some help identifying this picture.

    We're so happy for you, Alu!

Anyone else find it surreal that we're all adults with lives and families?

A Baby Maker

puppy haver
10K Post Club
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I wasn't looking this but it'll be my response now that I've found it.
mean girls time GIF by walter_


The Ritualist
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
Yea, sounds about right. I fel like it too.

My slowly crumbling down body though. It keeps me grou mnded in today one ache and creak at a time.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Every time I see someone post about their spouse or kids it jerks me back to reality that we're all probably in our late 30s at the youngest.

When Im posting here and interacting I for what ever reason think of us as teens and early 20s.

It’s no different than being around people you grew up with if you think about it. The only difference is, instead of going home for the night so your parents don’t bitch at you, you’re going “home” so your spouse doesn’t bitch at you or the kids don’t burn the house down. Instead of graduating from seeing your friends at school the next day to seeing them at the bar or game night once every blue moon, we’re just seeing them here.


Resident of the GWF Retirement Home
GW Elder
Time is scary fast. I'm approaching 40 and back when I was in high school I always thought adults had their shit together by their mid 30s. How wrong I was. And high school cliques still exist, they're just called interoffice politics.

I'm still me, though. A bit older, a lot more lived experience, but I'm still me.
It’s no different than being around people you grew up with if you think about it. The only difference is, instead of going home for the night so your parents don’t bitch at you, you’re going “home” so your spouse doesn’t bitch at you or the kids don’t burn the house down. Instead of graduating from seeing your friends at school the next day to seeing them at the bar or game night once every blue moon, we’re just seeing them here.

The difference for me is I see my friends in real life and see when their kids are born and when they get married and all that stuff so it's a natural progression where here I just kind of forget and I'm taking back to us all being young as there's no face really put with anyone


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
The difference for me is I see my friends in real life and see when their kids are born and when they get married and all that stuff so it's a natural progression where here I just kind of forget and I'm taking back to us all being young as there's no face really put with anyone

Yeah, I get it. It’s like the people you don’t physically see often. I went a several years without seeing someone I went to elementary school with, ran into them at a store the other year and they were all gray. Kinda like that “holy shit, what happened?” moment when he noticed my balding and I noticed his silver hair.

Sadly for everyone, yeah. Gone are the days of quiet, little who the hell is Apollo?! Can't shut me up, now!

Wait… that was an option back then? I don’t ever recall such. You on AIM versus you on the forums was a totally different animal.


Formerly Apollo
GW Elder
Wait… that was an option back then? I don’t ever recall such. You on AIM versus you on the forums was a totally different animal.
That's because you knew me, you got a peak behind the veil. I was a little more me in "private" quarters than I was in open forums, but I still held back, couldn't let anyone know my horrible, horrible secrets.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
They don't have to have the same last name, my brother had a different last name, still made my life absolute fucking hell while he could.

Touché. I was just trying to generalize.

And family doesn't have to be blood

My close friends I consider family

Same here. I’m closer to people I’ve met than people I’ve always known.


Dumbass Progenitor
GW Elder
Double posting to say that I also absolutely LOVE seeing yall here with me today! Being witness to you being parents/partners and overall just alive human beings bring my heart joy.

Absolutely agree. There was a time I thought people were cheesy for looking forward to seeing the sun rise another day…


Peek-a-boo, fuckos.



Tea Wrecks
GWF Sponsor
GW Elder
Wolf Players
I keep the definition of "functional adult" very flexible and loose. Yes, I'm allowed to drive and procreate, but there are some "adult" things I'm just incapable of making myself do, like "have a savings account", or "call a doctor".

I only really manage to get shit done when it's to help someone else, to the extend of forgetting to cook dinner if I wasn't thinking about feeding my children/wife and even then I often forget to make myself a plate too. So I generally envy everyone who has their life even vaguely together 🙃.

At least my kids think I'm great, even if I don't know what the fuck I'm doing (besides "not what mine did.")


GW Elder
Wolf Players
I keep the definition of "functional adult" very flexible and loose. Yes, I'm allowed to drive and procreate, but there are some "adult" things I'm just incapable of making myself do, like "have a savings account", or "call a doctor".

I only really manage to get shit done when it's to help someone else, to the extend of forgetting to cook dinner if I wasn't thinking about feeding my children/wife and even then I often forget to make myself a plate too. So I generally envy everyone who has their life even vaguely together 🙃.

At least my kids think I'm great, even if I don't know what the fuck I'm doing (besides "not what mine did.")
I feel this so much. I literally don't have a savings account lol.

The biggest lie adults tell children (and maybe each other) is that they have their shit figured out. Some do more than others, but nobody does completely.
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